09 Oct 2024
From 25th to 27th September 2024, the 6th Urban Economy Forum (UEF) was successfully held in Toronto and Kitchener, Canada. Dr. Yunqing Xu, Director of the Urban and Environmental Studies Centre at XJTLU, was invited to deliver a speech on low-carbon tourism in China.
Focusing on key topics such as sustainable tourism and improving quality of life, the forum brought together over 300 participants, including government officials, city leaders, policymakers, international organisations, and business representatives from 25 countries. It explored tourism, with its long value chain, as a global urban resource, and how it can drive local economic growth while simultaneously addressing global challenges such as environmental protection, cultural heritage preservation, and climate change. The forum emphasised the pivotal role of sustainable tourism and global cooperation in advancing carbon neutrality.
Anantha Krishnan, Secretary General of UEF, moderated the opening ceremony. Reza Pourvaziry, UEF President, Mayor of Kitchener Berry Vrbanovic, Co-Chair of UEF6, and others delivered the opening speeches.
Anantha Krishnan
Reza Pourvaziry, Chair of UEF
Berry Vrbanovic, Mayor of Kitchener
The keynote session was moderated by Dr. Eduardo Lopez Moreno, Co-Director of the World Urban Pavilion and former Head of Knowledge and Innovation at UN-Habitat. Keynote speakers included Ms. Emilia Saiz, Secretary General of the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), Mr. Fredis Alonso Cerrato Valladares, Minister of Economic Development of Honduras, and Mr. Abdi Farah Said (Juxa), Minister of Interior, Federal Affairs and Democratization-MoIFAD of Puntland, Somalia.
Dr. Eduardo Lopez Moreno, former Head of Knowledge and Innovation at UN-Habitat
Emilia Saiz, Secretary General of UCLG
The forum featured two mayoral roundtable meetings, a high-level roundtable, and 10 thematic sessions. Leaders, policymakers, financial experts, urban planners, and tourism industry executives from various countries discussed innovative tourism models, financing mechanisms, community engagement, and public education. The discussions focused on how sustainable tourism can drive inclusive growth, create jobs, protect natural resources and cultural heritage, while also addressing challenges related to climate change and urban resilience.
Mayoral Roundtable
Carlos Moreno, Associate Professor at Sorbonne University and the creator of the "15-Minute City" concept, delivered a keynote speech at the forum. He shared the power of proximities at the global context and varied practices at local levels.
Carlos Moreno Delivers Keynote Speech
Dr. Yunqing Xu, focusing on low-carbon tourism and its significant potential in addressing climate change, shared China’s policy efforts and new practices in different cities and areas. Dr. Xu noted, “Low-carbon tourism has been strategically integrated with sustainable transport, infrastructure, urban renewal, wetland conservation, and environmental education. Various tourism models such as eco-travel routes and city walks are also emerging, promoting low-carbon travel behaviours.” She further highlighted that, "improve the monitoring of carbon emissions and its transparency, increase the businesses investment returns and provide more incentives, and strengthen public education on low-carbon science would be the key forward.” Finally, she introduced the collaborative research projects and outputs of the Urban and Environmental Studies Centre at XJTLU, pushing forward substantial changes and innovations together with international organisations, local governments, and business sectors.
Dr. Xu's speech sparked lively discussions among the attendees and interest in exploring strategic collaboration with UEF and beyond. Following the forum, Dr. Xu participated in the exchange at the World Urban Pavilion in Regent Park, co-built by UEF, UN-Habitat, the Government of Canada. It serves as a knowledge exchange hub designed to share best practices and innovative researches, and develop capacity-building initiatives in the process of urban development and revitalisation.
Dr. Yunqing Xu Delivered the Speech at the Forum
Group Photo at the Forum
Group Photo at the World Urban Pavilion
The policy and action recommendations emerging from this Urban Economy Forum will be compiled into a Resolution, to be submitted to UN-Habitat, aiming at advancing the New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The forum provided an innovative platform for global partnerships, bringing together international discussions and resources to formulate investment solutions for overcoming policy and practical barriers in sustainable tourism. The goal is to create strategies that enable tourism to generate sustainable benefits for both people and the planet.
09 Oct 2024