Video: Professor Youmin Xi, Executive President of XJTLU, sends Chinese New Year's greetings

07 Feb 2024

In this video, Professor Youmin Xi, Executive President of XJTLU, sends heart-felt best wishes for the Chinese New Year. He also provides a glimpse of a day-in-the-life of a university executive, reminds students that opportunities to conduct research or practice entrepreneurship are all around them, and gives a suggestion for how international students could spend the holiday.

For more, watch the video below.


Video by Lezhi Li, Jingrui Duan and Chenxu Zhao

07 Feb 2024


Soar like a dragon and leap like a tiger, together we race the future

Soar like a dragon and leap like a tiger, together we race the future

Soar like a dragon and leap like a tiger, together we race the future XJTLU Executive President Professor Youmin Xi’s Christmas, New Year and Spring Festiv...

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