How the ITTC Benefits from XJTLU

How the ITTC Benefits from XJTLU

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is uniquely positioned to operate the International Technology Transfer Centre:

  • The University’s location at the intersection of the Yangtze River economic delta and the coastal economic belt of China means it has a vast array of enterprises on its doorstep
  • There is a demand for western science and technology in the area
  • XJTLU is a significant part of the South Jiangsu National Innovation Demonstration Area, identified by the Chinese government as a major focal point for innovation
  • XJTLU’s transnational and English-speaking environment make it more accessible to international partners compared to most traditional Chinese universities
  • The Univeristy offers a custom-designed space for technology transfer
  • It has a well-established track record in Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) subjects, in contrast to other Sino-foreign universities that are predominantly focused on the arts and humanities.