Professor Stephen Gong

Professor Stephen Gong
International Business School Suzhou

Head of Department of Finance

Prof. Stephen Gong joined International Business School Suzhou at XJTLU in 2018 as Professor of Finance, and became the founding Head of the Department of Finance when it became an independent academic unit at the beginning of the 2020/21 academic year, as a result of splitting the original Department of Accounting and Finance. Previously Stephen had taught at the University of Auckland Business School and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for over 20 years. Stephen was Programme Leader for two undergraduate programmes whilst at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and was an executive in the Jamaican subsidiary of a multinational firm during 1993-1996.

Stephen’s research covers broad areas of accounting, finance and applied economics. His recent publications have appeared in internationally leading and reputable journals, including Journal of Corporate Finance; Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance; British Accounting Review; Accounting Horizons; International Review of Finance; Pacific Economic Review; Transportation Research Part E; Transport Policy; and Transport Reviews, among others. Stephen’s current research centers around the pricing and trading of dual-listed shares, the role of the media in accounting and finance, corporate governance, and the Chinese economy. In the last ten years Stephen obtained external competitive grants totaling over 2 million Hong Kong dollars (funded by the Research Grants Council of the HKSAR, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China).

Stephen has consulted for government agencies and international organizations and provided corporate training in the areas of transport logistics and international trade. He serves on the Editorial Board of several international refereed journals and reviews for numerous scientific journals and conferences.

Education/Academic qualification

PhD , Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2005
M.Sc. , City University, London, the United Kingdom, 1997


Head, Department of Finance, XJTLU, 2020 to present
Professor, XJTLU, 2018 to present
Senior Lecturer (top scale with market loading), University of Auckland Business School, 2016-2018
Assistant Professor, School of Accounting and Finance, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2006-2016
Lecturer, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (two different departments), 1997-2006


Address: BS440 (SIP Campus-IBSS Building)