Hao Ruan 博士(PHD DEGREE)


阮昊博士 ( Dr. Hao Ruan )​

Professor of Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics and Nanjing Institute of Advanced Laser Technology

阮昊博士,武汉大学学士、硕士,中科院上海光机所博士。2018年作为主要骨干发起创立江苏产研院智能集成电路设计技术研究所。长期进行光电子技术领域的研究和工程化开发;目前的研究领域是光子芯片,类脑光学人工智能芯片等。曾任Frontiers of Optoelectronics编委,在国内外重要核心刊物上发表学术论文近百篇,获得发明授权专利24项,负责并参与制定国家行业标准6项。曾于2007 年荣获上海光电子产业贡献奖。​
Dr. Hao Ruan received his Bachelor’s and master's degrees from the Wuhan University of China, Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. He is the co-founder of JITRI Intelligent Integrated Circuit Design Technology Institute. He has been engaged in the research and development of optoelectronic technology for 25 years; the current research fields are photonic chips, brain-like optical artificial intelligence chips, etc. The former editorial board member of Frontiers of Optoelectronics. He has published nearly 100 academic papers in important core journals at home and abroad, has invented 24 granted patents, responsible for and participated in the formulation of 6 national industry standards. Awarded the Shanghai Optoelectronic Industry Contribution Award in 2007.
Hao Ruan