卢钰 博士(Dr. Yu Lu)
集萃智能制造技术研究所 产品研发中心总监
Director of research and development center of JITRI Institute of intelligent manufacturing technology


Dr. Yu Lu received his PhD degree of instrument science and technology from University of Science and Technology of China. He has finished several research program which funded by NFSC , CAS funding, and Provincial key project, and published over 20 papers and patents. He has received multiple awards including Nanjing Jiangbei New Area Innovation Research Leader, and senior member of Technical Committee on Robot of JSAI.

研发协作机器人系列机型,开发协作机器人专用无框力矩电机,解决设计与制造工艺难题,自主开发伺服驱动控制系统,采用机器人总线通信技术,开发了机器人控制器,研究机器人运动学和动力学,新一代轻型协作机器人小巧、灵活、安全、高效。开发CR03 、CR05、CR10、CR16系列型号,针对3C、新材料、五金工具等劳动密集,机器人应用空白领域,开展行业应用推广,受到社会和客户广泛关注认可。研发基于激光SLAM自主定位导航技术,开发移动机器人路径规划方法,自主行人避障软件,语音交互、自主乘梯等核心技术。实现了多种移动机器人应用,包括无人自主清洁机器人,访客导引型机器人,移动消毒杀菌机器人产品,进行应用推广,服务省内外多家医院和企业等。

Design frameless PMSM motor used in Collaborative robot, Develop Servo motor control algorithm combine CAN control bus compose six axis robot arm. Developed arm kinematics and dynamics algorithm coded on QT x86 realtime system . We own the proprietary intellectual property right of the controller of the Collaborative robot. As we know the Collaborative robot have two unique characteristics are push and pull to teach the arm, and collision detection system. We have finished serials product include CR03, CR05, CR10, CR16 used in communication, computer, consumer electronics, materials, electrical tools, fill the gap of industrial robot application. The AMR used in scenes of daily life is another research area. The SLAM method combine with voice interaction.
Yu Lu