

With screens of all sizes filling our lives, people today are more accustomed to enriching themselves and understanding the world through video. The ability to tell stories, disseminate information, and convey emotions through moving images and sounds is not only the cornerstone of the cultural and entertainment industry but also highly valued by all aspects of society. This is exactly the core ability that students in this programme will gain.

The BA Filmmaking programme emphasises practice as the foundation. It aims to cultivate professionals with creativity, the ability to tell good stories, and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and visual effects (VFX) to create digital moving images. The curriculum covers a broad spectrum, including film appreciation, aesthetics, screenwriting, shooting, production, and marketing. It combines the study and practice of film theory, enabling students to become skilled and knowledgeable film professionals. The programme emphasises practical experience. Students will acquire hands-on experience in roles such as creative producer, documentary or feature film director, storyteller, screenwriter, cinematographer, sound designer, editor, VFX artist, and global film marketer.

Why should I study Filmmaking at XJTLU?

This programme is currently the only film production programme offered by a Sino-foreign joint university in China. Graduates can obtain two degrees – an XJTLU degree from China’s Ministry of Education and a globally recognised degree from the University of Liverpool, a member of the Russell Group of leading UK universities.

The curriculum is taught entirely in English and supported by an internationally aligned film education system and international academic staff. This gives students unique advantages in overseas education and employment.

This programme has first-class facilities in China, including medium and large film studios, green screen and motion capture equipment, colour grading and sound mixing studios, and a 4K cinema. School of Film and TV Arts (SoFTA) is one of only two institutions in the Chinese mainland recognised as Avid Learning Partners (Academic). SoFTA provides authorised training for Avid and Pro Tools, and is also a certified training centre for DaVinci Resolve.

This programme collaborates with industry leaders such as Beijing Enlight Media and Hengdian World Studios, offering students opportunities for research, internships, and practical work experience.

Qualification,XJTLU,BFA Filmmaking,University of Liverpool,BA Filmmaking

Knowledge and skills

By the time you graduate from BA Filmmaking, you will have:

  • an awareness of your potential as a content creator and filmmaker, equipped to apply your knowledge and skills in professional settings or postgraduate studies;
  • advanced filmmaking skills, including idea generation, content creation, production techniques, research, and creative processes;
  • the ability to integrate theory into practice and vice versa effectively;
  • critical thinking and communication skills, enabling both self-reflection and collaborative work; and
  • an entrepreneurial mindset, with the ability to think like a filmmaker and entrepreneur in marketing yourself and your projects.

The Chinese film industry needs to integrate with the international market. Here, top-notch equipment and facilities, academic staff with international backgrounds, and in-depth cooperation with the industry will help our students grow into content creators for a global audience.

Cheng Fang

Programme Director

I deeply miss the days when I studied at SoFTA. I am grateful for the teachings of every teacher who taught me how to tell stories through the lens and how to extract life from movies. BA Filmmaking has provided me with abundant resources and platforms, giving me the opportunity to engage in highly industrialised creations with like-minded classmates. This theoretical and practical learning journey has accumulated valuable experience for me and left unforgettable memories. Nowadays, every creation I undertake at the Department of Directing at Beijing Film Academy relies on the solid foundation laid at SoFTA.

Chunyuan Zheng

Alumni, MFA in Directing at Beijing Film Academy

In addition to relevant techniques and advanced technologies in film production, I also learned how to face the unknown and accept uncertainty. This not only enriched my creative perspective, but also greatly influenced my decision-making and innovation abilities in starting a production company. The teachers guided us with the eyes of artists, patiently listening to our ideas and providing valuable advice. They inspired me to constantly push boundaries and be brave enough to try new ideas and projects. The education and support from SoFTA have laid a solid foundation for my entrepreneurial journey, enabling me to create an innovative and dynamic company. I am deeply grateful for this precious time, which not only shaped my professional skills and artistic vision but also developed my leadership and problem-solving abilities.

Ting Ye

Alumni, Creative Director of Shadow Studio


Many graduates have pursued postgraduate studies at renowned universities worldwide, including top film schools such as the American Film Institute, the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts, both in the USA, and Beijing Film Academy, China, as well as leading comprehensive universities such as Columbia University, the USA; New York University, the USA; University College London, the UK; King’s College London, the UK; and the University of Hong Kong, China.

Graduates are prepared for various roles, including:

  • producers, directors, screenwriters, cinematographers, editors, sound mixers, VFX artists, and more in various media sectors, including films (both theatrical films and online films), TV series (TV dramas, online dramas, short dramas, and micro dramas), documentaries, advertisements, and streaming content;
  • content planning, editing, publicity and promotion at government broadcasting and streaming media departments, cultural media industry, internet, and e-commerce platforms;
  • social media operations, internal media operations, and marketing in companies; and
  • self employment, such as operating personal media ventures, collaborating with multi-channel network (MCN) institutions, working with advertising agencies, and more.
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