Professor Junsong Chen is Dean of the School of Intelligent Finance and Business at XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang). He leads the strategic development of the School.
Professor Chen obtained his PhD in Marketing from University of Birmingham (UK), Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and Master Degree in Marketing from Wuhan University (China). After the completion of the PhD study, he joined the Marketing Faculty of China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) where he has served for ten years. Prior to joining XJTLU, Prof. Chen is Assistant Dean, GDBA Director and Professor of Marketing in emlyon business school (Asia campus). Having stayed in China higher education for nearly two decades, he has developed his own understanding and aspiration of business education.
Professor Chen’s research focuses on Consumer Behaviour, Service Marketing, Marketing Decision-Making, and Customer Experience Management. He has received several research grants and awards from Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and China Ministry of Education, Great Britain-China Educational Trust, Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of Universities of the United Kingdom. He has published more than 30 academic articles in leading international journals.
Professor Junsong Chen is the column-writer of some leading Chinese business websites and magazines, including Sina Finance, and Harvard Business Review (Chinese). He has given lectures on marketing to executive programs from more than 20 well-known international and domestic business schools. He has also provided consultancy and training for more than 70 international and listed companies in China.