- Time: 16:00 - 18:00
- Date: 2021.04.21, Wednesday
- Venue: South Campus, IAG08
- Language: English
“Immersive Theatre” and “Immersive Exhibition” are popular not only in Shanghai but also in the other cities of the world. These events invite the audience to explore the sense of merging arts and technology together creatively.
Why these experiences are so unique and how all these happen?
The speaker will take his practical experience accompanies with ten interesting events to examine the immersive theatre and exhibition from a curator, a director, a producer and an international theatre observer’s view in this lecture.
LEE is a senior researcher and curator for the art festival and culture events in the great China region for more than 20 years. He has worked as artistic director or curator for the Taipei Arts Festival, Shanghai World Expo in 2010, and the Palace Museum in Taipei. Lee has published books on art in Taipei and Shanghai; and has presented more than 300 speeches since 1998. He holds his M.A from the Performance Studies Dept of the New York University, he is the research fellow of the City Culture Exchange Project of the ZUNI, a Hong Kong culture organization from 2019. This May, Lee will become the General Secretary of the Future Creative Culture and Tourism Alliance in Shanghai.
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