8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
- Time: 8.50-9.50 am
- Date: Wednesday, 11 May 2022
- Venue: Zhumu
- Link:https://xjtlu.zhumu.com/j/6145639863 Meeting ID: 614 563 9863
- Language: English
In this seminar, Dr. Russell Fulmer will share his experience in publishing books, his new book, Counseling and Psychotherapy: Theory & Beyond, which is a contemporary counseling and psychotherapy theories text that moves beyond ‘theory’ in the traditional sense. This book explores many different aspects of mental health. It talks about everything from neuroscience to creativity and how nature-based approaches to therapy can be helpful.
This seminar will provide an introduction to how to turn a book from an idea into a publication and how to build bridges between abstract ideas and practical action. If you are struggling to realise your grand vision and are confused by messy thoughts that you cannot grasp, this seminar will provide you with ideas and direction, starting with a book.
Dr. Russell Fulmer is Senior Associate Professor at the Academy of Future Education in Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. He specialises in research on artificial intelligence (AI) and mental health, with a focus on randomised controlled trials. The trial tested the effectiveness of a psychological AI robot in helping students combat anxiety and depression. Russell has recently published a book: Counseling and Psychotherapy: Theory & Beyond, in which a chapter is dedicated to AI.
With experience as a mental health professional, Russell is both an educator and a clinician and often uses psychodynamic approaches to understand students, clients, himself and others. From an educational perspective, it is difficult for students to concentrate and learn when they are experiencing emotional problems or trauma, so ensuring that students are mentally healthy is essential for good education. Russell welcomes anyone with an interest in artificial intelligence and psychodynamics to talk to him.