Eye-Tracking Workshop Series 1|What is eye-tracking?


  • Session 1:
    • Topic: What is eye-tracking?
    • Time: 22 November Wednesday, 11:30 am-12:30 pm
    • Location: HS436


The Applied Linguistics Department's Language and Cognition Symposium in May 2023 heralded the debut of the Language and Cognition Laboratory (LCL). The event's emphasis on the interplay between language and cognition, especially through eye-tracking technology, garnered significant interest. To delve deeper into this area, the psycholinguistic research group (Dr. Hong Liu, Dr. Darcy Sperlich, and Dr. Luchang Wang) are hosting a three-part eye-tracking workshop series. Participants will learn about the technology's applications in linguistics and engage with our advanced eye-tracker. No prior experience with eye-tracking is necessary to join. However, to ensure a conducive learning environment, attendance is limited to 30 participants. We encourage you to register interest via the link provided below. Confirmations will be sent to your XJTLU email.



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