Time: 13 December 2023, 17:00
Venue: HS436, South Campus
Speaker: Dr Andrej Krickovic
With its invasion of Ukraine Russia has emerged as an open challenger to US hegemony and the so-called “liberal international” order. Russia not only presents a challenge to US leadership and the liberal international order, but also to International Relations (IR) theories, which have traditionally focused on rising powers as the most likely candidates to challenge existing hegemonic orders, ignoring the disruptive role that declining powers (such as Russia or Austria-Hungary) can play in power transitions.
Andrej Krickovic is Associate Professor of International Studies at XJTLU. He completed his PhD at UC Berkeley (2012) and held a postdoc at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University (2013). He recently left his position as a tenured professor at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow after 10 years in Russia. He has published widely on topics related to IR Theory, International Security, and Russian and Chinese Foreign Policy.