31 Mar 2015
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) AISEC Youth-To-Business (Y2B) Forum was held at XJTLU on 27 March. Delegations of students from 14 universities including the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Shanghai International Studies University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an International Studies University, Zhejiang University and Nanjing Normal University together with honoured guests, met to discuss entrepreneurship and globalisation.
Professor Youmin Xi, Executive President of XJTLU, opened the discussion with a speech titled “Globalisation and Entrepreneurship: Global Citizen and Cross-Culture Leadership.” In his speech, Professor Xi put forward the idea of developing students’ ability to lead with an entrepreneur’s mind. He emphasised the importance of continuing studying and trans-cultural leadership and entrepreneurship as necessary no matter one’s life plan.
As one of the honored forum guests, Professor Sarah Dixon, Dean of International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) at XJTLU, shared her view of entrepreneurship as, “wherever you are – in a large corporation or a small company, passion is needed above all.” Mr. Weilin Chen, founder and general manager of Mr. Finance considered responsibility to be very important for entrepreneurs.
When asked which is better – gaining work experience straight after graduation or starting a business immediately, Professor Dixon commented, “once you find the right timing, go bravely and grasp every opportunity that comes your way.”
Associate Professor Linlin Li from Tongji University agreed, also commenting, “know what you really want; and what kind of person you want to be.” Director of EF China Study Abroad shared his own experience as an example; that entering a big or small company doesn’t really matter, but the opportunity to meet with people of different backgrounds and to continue learning is what matters.”
Siyu Zhu, first year student from Xi’an International Studies University, travelled from Xi’an to Suzhou for the forum and reflected that “this event has been a rewarding experience and given me some great ideas. I’m really inspired when I think about what I learnt about the elements of good leadership from the panel: enthusiasm, personal charisma and humor.”
Founder of My Document, Ms. Xin Xu, graduated from Nanjing University and established her own company immediately after graduation. She shared the view that this event could help young students get familiar with entrepreneurship and gain a better understanding of how to start a business, “having my own business, I find social networking a really important tool. A communications event like the Y2B Forum provides a vehicle to grow your network and a chance to learn from students from other universities.”
The Youth-To-Business Forum (Y2B) was organised by AIESEC, XJTLU. AIESEC (Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales) is a global, non-political, not-for-profit organisation run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education, aiming at providing young students a platform to develop leadership and personal abilities. Y2B Forum is one of the traditional events held in universities all over the world by each AIESEC branch. AIESEC China has around 20 forums every year in mainland China.
31 Mar 2015