12 Apr 2016
A competition that will showcase the innovative ideas of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University students as well as their understanding of entrepreneurship is open for entries.
The eighth round of the XJTLU Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition is open for entries from XJTLU undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students along with alumni who have graduated within the last five years.
Competition coordinators are looking for innovative student projects including, but not limited to, ideas related to mobile-internet, international outsourcing services, technology, modern services, social entrepreneurship and cultural innovations.
Entrants can enter as individuals or as teams, as well as seek the help of academic staff at XJTLU on their project.
Students who win the first place will receive a prize including RMB 5,000 and the right to use the XJTLU enterprise park for one year as an independent unit, an opportunity worth RMB 10,000.
The competition, which is jointly organised by the Career Development Centre and the International Technology Transfer Centre at XJTLU and the Suzhou Dushu Lake Entrepreneurial University, aims to create an innovative atmosphere, enhance the spirit of innovation and encourage student entrepreneurship.
Xiating Zhang, senior career officer from the Career Development Centre, said: “XJTLU has some extremely talented students with enthusiasm for entrepreneurship and a flair for the innovative. We hope to give our student the opportunity of showing their ideas and skills taking part in this fantastic competition.”
For more information, please download the competition details. The deadline for the submission of application is 22 April 2016. Any enquiries should be sent to careers@xjtlu.edu.cn.
12 Apr 2016