Linguistics academic elected to LACUS board of directors

08 Jun 2016

Dr Hui Yin from the Department of English, Culture and Communication at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University has been elected to the board of directors of the Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States (LACUS).

LACUS is one of the world’s major linguistic associations. Its members come from the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia. Dr Yin is the only LACUS board member from Asia.

Dr Yin joined XJTLU in January 2013 and has been productive in research outputs including international peer-reviewed journals. Currently, he is engaged in several research projects focused on linguistics and applied linguistics.

Dr Nick Cope, head of the department, said: “Dr Yin has an excellent track record of research and publications. His election to the LACUS board of directors reflects international recognition of his research in the field of linguistics.”

LACUS was founded in 1974 to create a forum for the “free flow of ideas and discussion on communication”. It holds an annual forum at a university campus each summer, alternating between Canada and the United States, and publishes a selection of the papers presented at the conference.

According to their website: “The period since LACUS was founded has witnessed the births of many organisations and journals devoted to diverse specialties relating to language. It has been a time of increasing specialisation. Against this background, LACUS remains an organisation devoted to any and all facets of the study of language, marked by its generality and interdisciplinary interests rather than by any specialisation.”

Dr Yin said: “I am delighted to join the board of directors of LACUS and honoured by this recognition of my research and contribution to the field of linguistics.”

08 Jun 2016


Linguistics researcher published in top-rated journal
Humanities and Social Sciences

Linguistics researcher published in top-rated journal

A researcher in the Department of English, Culture and Communication at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University has had his work on applied linguistics publis...

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