17 May 2017
A seminar on themes related to Asia and Pacific studies and the Chinese economy took place at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, with 16 presenters from universities and policy-making institutions around the world.
Over two days and multiple sessions, participants presented their ongoing research projects on various topics including environmental and energy policy, economic integration, international trade, financial regulation, infrastructure, migration, and economic growth in Asia and China.
Professor Eng Gee Lim, dean of research at XJTLU, welcomed the participants of the event, which was co-organised by the Research Institute for Economic Integration at XJTLU and the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI).
“Many experts have come to this seminar from all over the Asia-Pacific area and also from other areas, like Europe and Australia, to share ideas about how to help the Asia-Pacific economy grow in a stable way,” said Professor Lim. “They will have serious discussions here and hope to arrive at some advice for policy makers.”Paulo Regis, director of the Research Institute for Economic Integration at XJTLU, explained how the seminar could help researchers to develop policy recommendations.
“Participants can get comments and feedback through attending the seminar, and after continuing work on their papers, can then develop some policy recommendations,” he said.
The event was the fifth in this series of seminars that began in 2013, and is part of the efforts of the Research Institute for Economic Integration to promote research with a focus on the Asia and Pacific region and the Chinese economy, as well as to build a network of researchers in the region.
Three special sessions hosted by the ADBI focused on financial inclusion, the housing market and infrastructure - key issues for domestic investment in the context of developing countries.
ADBI, based in Tokyo, is a think tank that focuses on development strategies for Asia and the Pacific, and provides support in managing development challenges to Asian Development Bank member countries. Peter Morgan, senior consulting economist at ADBI and co-chair for research, said: “This seminar is a great forum to thrash out empirical and policy issues, and to identify promising young researchers.
Dr Fang Zheng, from Singapore University of Social Sciences who attended the seminar for the second time, expressed that she was very impressed by XJTLU’s campus and environment.
“Compared with other traditional Chinese universities, XJTLU is more international,” she added.
“XJTLU’s goal to create key research institutes requires the dissemination of our work and interaction with other institutions,” said Paulo Regis. “Hosting this type of events provides the best opportunity to promote the Institute and increase the visibility of the University.”
Universities represented included: Deakin University; Singapore Institute of Management (SIM); Nanyang Technological University; Singapore University of Social Sciences; University of California Los Angeles; University of Illinois; The University of Nottingham-Ningbo, University of Liverpool; Kobe University; Jinan University; Southwestern University of Finance; and Economic and University of Malaya.
17 May 2017

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