Seminar aims to boost business between China and the UK

25 Apr 2019

Strengthening connections between China and the United Kingdom across a range of industries including education, health, and engineering was the goal of a seminar hosted by Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University this month.

A range of industry representatives from Liverpool, as well as a delegation from the University of Liverpool, attended the Trade and Investment Seminar on April 16, which was organised by XJTLU’s International Business School Suzhou.

Professor David Goodman, vice president for Academic Affairs at XJTLU, welcomed the Liverpool delegation on campus and provided them with an overview of the University.

“Here at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, we are home to one of the largest business schools in China, yet we are also one of the newest,” he said.

“While we are still young, we have a strong reputation in the international business community. Our business school is already accredited by a number of peak international industry bodies.

“As well as our strengths in business, we also have expertise in the field of science and engineering with researchers working at the cutting-edge of technology and innovation.”

Councillor Gary Millar, vice mayor of Liverpool, introduced Liverpool to the attendees, describing it as a city of culture and sport.

“In 2008, Liverpool became the most successful European Capital of Culture ever with 32 million visitors travelling to our city, cementing our position as a hub for tourism and culture,” he said.

“More recent figures suggest more than 62 million people now come to Liverpool annually to experience what we have to offer.

“Liverpool is also a dynamic and resource-rich environment with a number of key industries including life sciences, energy and the environment, maritime and logistics, and finance and professional services.”

Councillor Millar noted that Liverpool was home to the largest friendship arch outside of mainland China, highlighting the strong relationship between Liverpool and China that has existed for many years.

Representatives from a number of UK companies delivered presentations on their businesses and future ambitions, including Alder Hey and Proton Partners from the field of science and health, and MIF and Partner Investment Limited from the field of advanced engineering.

There was also an interactive matchmaking session, where Liverpool businesses had the chance to meet with local Suzhou companies to explore potential collaborations.

Douglas Shearer, business engagement manager for Executive Education at IBSS, said XJTLU was proud to help facilitate new business opportunities between China and the UK.

“One of the important roles of a modern university is to be a driver for innovation – and for innovation to happen, business and academia must work together,” he said.

“We are pleased to have the opportunity to connect our friends from Liverpool with some of the leading companies here in Suzhou.”

The Liverpool Investment and Trade Seminar was one a number of events held across the week of April 15-21 as part of official celebrations for the Shanghai-Liverpool 20th Sister City Anniversary.

By Rosanna Galvin, photos supplied by IBSS

25 Apr 2019