26 Sep 2019
The Sino-German International Standard Research Centre, a partnership between Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and TÜV NORD Group, was founded at an International Innovation Forum at XJTLU earlier this month.
TÜV NORD Group, based in Germany, provides technology and safety services that include third-party certifications to a global client base.
According to Professor Youmin Xi , executive president of XJTLU, the centre will contribute to consumers’ quality of life as the result of its research and certification services in areas including product manufacturing monitoring, manufacturing process safety controls and supply process certification.
Dr Christine Althauser, Consul General of Germany in Shanghai, said that the centre's foundation is positive for both countries.
“Germany can learn from China’s rich experience in digital innovation, while TÜV NORD can introduce German quality and safety assurance systems to China, which will benefit Chinese companies in terms of sustainable development and innovation,” said Dr Althauser.
TÜV NORD Group will build a strategic partnership with Kunchi Group, a China retail brand agent, to conduct the centre’s first research project: Certificate of Origin Standard Research Project for Imported Consumer Products.
The Age of Digital Intelligence – Win and Create the Future Forum and the ceremony were hosted by XJTLU and TÜV NORD Group and co-hosted by Kunchi Group.
By Luyun Shi, Simin Yang and Qiuchen Hu
Translated by Xiangyin Han, edited by Tamara Kaup
26 Sep 2019

Board of Directors meet at Taicang campus for first time
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