Science and Technology

Science and Technology

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Biostatistics student defies the odds to secure Harvard dream

Biostatistics student defies the odds to secure Harvard dream

In the summer of 2022, when Zilong Wang began telling people about his aspiration to study in Har...

26 Jul 2024
Students win grand prize by using AI to forecast financial risk

Students win grand prize by using AI to forecast financial risk

An International Monetary Fund-issued magazine predicts financial institutions will double their ...

23 Jul 2024
2024 Academic Excellence Award winners revealed

2024 Academic Excellence Award winners revealed

On 2 July, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University announced the eight winners of this year’s Academi...

10 Jul 2024
Braiding community values with science is key to ecosystem restoration

Braiding community values with science is key to ecosystem restoration

A research team comprising local Tibetans and academics from the UK and China demonstrate that local community members are indispensable partners in enhancing community engagement in repairing damaged ecosystems and achieving long-term success.

08 Jul 2024
To save bees, scientists say focus on habitat first, then pesticides

To save bees, scientists say focus on habitat first, then pesticides

A recent study by researchers from China, the UK and the Netherlands indicates habitat loss may impact the diversity of bees more than increased pesticide exposure.

05 Jul 2024
Team awarded grant for case study of chatbots that help teach coding

Team awarded grant for case study of chatbots that help teach coding

In the digital era, computer programming skills have become fundamental. However, many programmin...

24 Jun 2024
XJTLU adds seven new master’s programmes

XJTLU adds seven new master’s programmes

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University now offers seven new master’s programmes. Like all XJTLU’s po...

12 Jun 2024
Engineered DNA ‘warhead’ targets a common cancer mutation

Engineered DNA ‘warhead’ targets a common cancer mutation

An engineered two-component molecule targets and destroys a mutant protein linked with numerous cancer types.

29 May 2024
Biodiversity in the margins: Merging farmlands affects natural pest control

Biodiversity in the margins: Merging farmlands affects natural pest control

A new study published in the Journal of Applied Ecology demonstrates how the diversity and abunda...

28 May 2024