11 Feb 2020
A Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University student’s original music video that honours healthcare workers fighting the novel coronavirus infection has been viewed nearly one million times on the Sina Weibo online platform.
Titled “If you’ve ever seen them,” the music video has also been included in a Chinese national television (CCTV) documentary about fighting the outbreak.
“I intended to write a song that is solemn, yet not sad," said the Year Four student, who uses the pseudonym JMJ.
“Every cloud has a silver lining,” she said.
“The song is my tribute to all the medical workers in this war, and I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to them.”
var player = videojs('#my-video',{fluid: true},function(){
console.log('Good to go!');
this.play(); // if you don't trust autoplay for some reason
JMJ was responsible for lyrics, music, production and vocals; her friend, Tongqiu Jian, edited the music video.
JMJ said that her inspiration came from the sacrifices she sees everyday people making in the face of the epidemic, and that she wants to share their stories through her lyrics and music.
“Some young medical workers have said that they were well-protected during the SARS outbreak, and that now it’s their turn to protect others,” she said.
“Many husbands have sent their wives off; and many daughters, their mothers.
“My father is also a medical worker,” she continued.
“A lot of people like him are contributing to the war against the novel coronavirus infection, even though they are not on the front line.
“They are all ‘ordinary people’ with their own families, yet they choose to be selfless.”
One viewer wrote: “I was moved to tears when I heard the first words! I’d like to pay my tribute to every great person fighting against novel coronavirus infection!”
“The song makes me want to do my bit to help, even though the infection is very serious and I’m an ordinary person who cannot do much,” commented another.
By Qiuchen Hu, translated by Xiangyin Han, edited by Guojuan Wang and Tamara Kaup
Music video edited by Tongqiu Jian
Lyrics, music, production and vocals by JMJ
All rights related to the song and the music videos are reserved by the original creators
11 Feb 2020

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