​XJTLU joins UN-Habitat UNI’s work for a more sustainable urban future

31 Oct 2020

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University has recently become an institutional partner of UN-Habitat UNI, the UN-Habitat network of universities that promotes cooperation between higher education institutions worldwide to support the development of sustainable cities. XJTLU is the only university in China that is featured on UNI's website.

With the focal point of the partnership as Professor Gisela Loehlein, Head of the Department of Architecture and Design, XJTLU will be able to access more extensive resources offered by UN-Habitat including publications, data products, scientific information, internships and other training or resource tools.

Dr Yiping Dong, Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture and Design and the official contact between XJTLU and UNI, says the partnership provides a platform for XJTLU to have more dialogues with prestigious universities and institutions as well as more opportunities to attend various events, conferences and competitions.

Exploring sustainable design in research, teaching and practice is a new norm being reflected in the built environment in China, she notes.

“Our conversations may also have the chance to be part of UN-Habitat’s New Urban Agenda,” she says.

UN-Habitat is the United Nations agency that aims to build “inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and communities.”

By Yi Qian

31 Oct 2020