IBSS hosted the 5th Advancing Emerging Market Research Symposium

16 Dec 2020

International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) at Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University organized and hosted the 5th Advancing Emerging Market Research Symposium on 3rd and 4th December. Scholars from University of Tulane, Nanjing University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Sun Yet-sen University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, along with our faculties and PhD students participated in the symposium.

With ever more Chinese firms’ expanding into internationals market and the increasing importance of upgrading innovation and technology,and under strong support from the Chinese government, scholars presented and discussed their recent researches regarding on the corporate governance, state-owned enterprises, the government-firm relationship and the dynamics between foreign firms and Chinese firms.

Professor Jorg Bley, Dean of IBSS, gave a warm welcome to all participants. Following on from that, there were 8 types of research presented and discussed. Professor Xiaping Cao, Dr. Jie Li, Dr. Yameng Zhang, and Dr. Yang Chen from IBSS presented their ongoing research during the symposium. All of the scholars also exchanged their ideas and opinions with local firms. After the research presentations, participants also visited Biobay and local bio firms to discuss with representatives from these bio firms regarding on how to further develop our domestic firms’ competitive advantages.

16 Dec 2020