05 Feb 2021
The staircase in Design Building was recently redesigned by a group of Industrial Design master students into the brand new Gallery Staircase (楼梯画廊). The gallery just held the opening show named Design the {Code the {Design the {X}}}.
The exhibition displayed more than 800 printed posters and almost 100 piece handcrafted or digital fabricated artworks. What is particularly interesting about the exhibition is that all the designs are generated by computers and codes programmed by the students themselves.
These designs are student works produced in an Industrial Design master module (IND407) that focuses on the intersection between graphic design and code.
In this module, the students work hard to design and write software that abstracts the design theories, decisions and strategy into the code, and show both the design and code work for design critique, according to Aven Le Zhou, who is the module leader.
“This project doesn't aim only to teach the students how to create designs via code, nor learn code through design, but to have a comprehensive understanding of both, and build the critical artistic identity and expressive methodology of their own,” says Zhou.
More information about the on-site exhibition can be found below:
Artist(s): M.Des Industrial Design AY 20/21
Wenke BAI, Chaowei CHEN, Simeng CHEN, Hong FAN, Qihang FANG, Weyi FANG, Dongchen HAN, Yida HE, Xichun LOU, Xiaopei LU, Jiaying NI, Yifan SONG, Fuqi XIE, Xinlei XIONG, Hui XU, Liyu ZHANG, Xiaoxi ZHAO, Haojun ZHI, Mingyuan ZHOU
Curator(s): Fangzhou Dong& Aven Le ZHOU
Special Thanks to IND/ARD Faculty and FabLab Staff for the Generous Supports
Duration: January 8th - March 8th
Avenue: Gallery StairCase, DB, South Campus
To view the exhibition online, please go to our Exhibitions page and scroll to the bottom.
By Yi Qian
Photos provided by Department of Architecture and Design
05 Feb 2021