XJTLU in the Media in July

06 Aug 2021

During the past month, XJTLU was mentioned in media reports from more than 40 national, provincial and municipal outlets including China Youth Daily, Xinhua Daily, Yangtze Evening Post, Modern Express, Guizhou Daily, Chuncheng Evening Post, China Education Online, Sichuan News Net, The Cover, Guangxi News, Xi’an City and The Paper. In addition, XJTLU received attention through live streaming events related to student admission by Guizhou Daily and Yangtze Evening Post, attracting 2 million views. Topics included XJTLU’s schools, education exploration, talent cultivation, degree programmes, scientific achievements, students’ stories, and scholars’ stories. Media exposure in Guizhou, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Guangxi and Guangdong was higher than the previous year.

XJTLU representatives were included in stories or sought for comment in English-language media outlets including Global Times, The Star, CGTN, Yahoo, the New York Times, The Guardian and Daily News.

1. Admission Dynamics

XJTLU in the Chinese national media

China Youth Daily and its media platforms
XJTLU was mentioned in China Youth Daily media reports and platforms including China Youth Daily APP, China Youth Daily’s official WeChat account, the Youth League’s official WeChat account and xiaomei.cc’s official WeChat account.

China Youth Daily: XJTLU’s admission report (June 28)

Summary: On 28 June, China Youth Daily featured the University’s Wisdom Lake Academy of Pharmacy and XJTLU-JITRI Academy of Industrial Technology and discussed its talent cultivation model, research-oriented education model, and Syntegrative Education.


Headline: Why students from XJTLU are more easily admitted to world-famous colleges and universities

Summary: Why is it easier for XJTLU students to get admitted to world-famous colleges and universities? XJTLU’s enrolment rate and student quality have risen steadily since the University’s establishment. In the article published on 29 June, Dr Qijian Xie, Director of XJTLU’s Centre for Student Affairs, discussed XJTLU’s unique abilities to help students meet their full potential and the advantages of its education model.

The news is also reported by China Youth Daily – Qingtuanzi.


Headline: XJTLU: Research-oriented education – from ‘impart knowledge’ to ‘empower students’ development’

Summary: On 29 June, an article on xiaomei.cc’s official WeChat account discussed XJTLU’s research-oriented education.

In the article, XJTLU’s Executive President Professor Youmin Xi said: “A university is not simply a place where students learn knowledge, but a place where students grow.”

“At XJTLU, teachers lead students on the journey of learning rather than just imparting knowledge,” President Xi said. “Teachers stimulate students’ awareness with vivid examples, and guide students to collect information, integrate what they have learned, and solve problems. In this process, instructors help students improve their skills in communication, collaboration, expression, execution and innovation.”


Headline: Exploring the future of education

Summary: On 22 June, Professor Youmin Xi, XJTLU’s Executive President, spoke during the first episode of China Education Online’s new feature “China Education New Approach”. He discussed the future of education and XJTLU’s educational exploration, planning, and admissions.


Headline: XJTLU’s 3.0 model officially begins to explore future education

Summary: On 25 June, The Paper reported that XJTLU’s 3.0 model will officially start during XJTLU’s 15th anniversary celebration, furthering the University’s exploration of integrating with society and leveraging resources to create new type of education ecosystem.

Professor Youmin Xi, XJTLU’s Executive President, said: “XJTLU 3.0 was inspired by the establishment of the XIPU New Era Development Research Institute in May 2018. It aims to create an international education and innovation ecosystem that cover different geographic areas. It will draw on XJTLU’s expertise in coordination; working with government; forming international industry and financial alliances; and leveraging various social resources.”

XJTLU in local media

Media in Sichuan
XJTLU was mentioned on several media platforms in Sichuan, including the mobile APP and official WeChat account of The Cover, the portal website Sichuan News Net and the online forum Mala.cn. Three articles about XJTLU published on the mobile client side of The Cover received nearly 600,000 views.


Headline: How does XJTLU strengthen students’ competitiveness through international education

Summary: On 24 June, The Cover featured XJTLU’s 15-year process of becoming “a role model of Sino-foreign joint venture universities” and “a pathfinder for higher education reform in China”. It described XJTLU’s talent cultivation model, accredited disciplines and new majors.


Headline: @Gaokao candidates in Sichuan: Study internationally from China at XJTLU

Summary: Immediately after students learn their Gaokao scores, the next step is applying to colleges. But how should students choose a university? How should they choose a suitable major? On 25 June, The Cover illustrated XJTLU’s education model and philosophy through the story of Qianni Zhang, a student from XJTLU.

The news is also reported by The Cover WeChat.


Headline: XJTLU: From “imparting knowledge” to “empowering students’ development”

Summary: On 26 June, The Cover reported on XJTLU’s educational philosophy, focusing on interest-driven learning and individual development. Professor Youmin Xi, XJTLU’s Executive President, said: “Education is not simply a diploma. Education focuses on students’ learning, growth and personal qualities. It changes one’s goals, vision and mission in life and prepares one to enter society and take control of one’s own life.”


Headline: How to meet with success in XJTLU

Summary: On 27 June, The Cover featured Yuxin Mao, Qingru Xu, Tianyu Cai and Yiqi Li, four XJTLU graduates, illustrating XJTLU’s diverse and international learning atmosphere. The story discussed XJTLU’s interest-oriented, student-centred educational philosophy that focuses on students’ growth. It told of the University’s cultivation of individual talents with outstanding academic achievements, skills and personal qualities. All these talents are thriving in their fields, are globally competitive, and hold an international vision.

Sichuan News Net: Reports on XJTLU admission (June 21 – June 30)

Summary: During the college application period of Gaokao candidates in Sichuan, Sichuan News Net featured XJTLU’s university profile, talent cultivation model, education model exploration, reasons for selecting XJTLU and students’ stories.

Mala.cn: Reports on XJTLU admission (June 21 – June 30)

Summary: During the college application period of Gaokao candidates in Sichuan, the Sichuan Education Observation column of Mala.cn featured XJTLU’s university profile and talent cultivation model,introduction to programmes of study, educational philosophy, education model exploration, reasons for selecting XJTLU, students’ stories, School of Science, Design School, XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang), International Business School Suzhou, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, dialogues with the university president, School of Advanced Technology, and English teaching.

Media in Guizhou

XJTLU in Guizhou Daily and its media platforms
Guizhou Daily’s official “Tianyan” APP published five reports which received more than 350,000 views; live streaming received more than 500,000 views.


Headline: This University offers all-English courses! Are you worried your inadequate English skills will prevent you from keeping up with classes? This university can help you out

Summary: On 26 June, Guizhou Daily reported on the XJTLU English Language Centre’s academic English courses offered to all the University’s students. One of the largest language centres in Asia, it employs nearly 200 English teachers who have served at top universities in China and have extensive experience in the field.

Ling Xia, Director of the English Language Centre at XJTLU’s School of Languages, said academic English and other tutoring courses fully prepare students to use English in class, in internships, during off-campus activities, for enrolment exams and in their future employment.


Headline: You are extremely lucky if you are enrolled by this University - over 80% of its graduates are admitted by prestigious overseas universities! Listen to what senior schoolmates say

Summary: On 25 June, Guizhou Daily reported on XJTLU’s admission plan, learning model and its graduates’ competitiveness. The report also discussed the University’s educational philosophy through the stories of five outstanding XJTLU students.


Headline: College application is ongoing! These internationally-accredited majors are available in domestic universities

Summary: On 29 June, Guizhou Daily reported on Times Higher Education’s ranking of XJTLU’s subjects and accredited majors. XJTLU appeared for the first time in Times Higher Education’s ranking of universities in emerging economies released on 9 March; XJTLU ranked 112th. In the QS World University Rankings 2022 released in June, XJTLU ranked between 801th and 1000th in the world, and ranked 46th among 58 universities in the Chinese mainland included in the rankings.


Headline: What do you learn in artificial intelligence-related majors? Which students are suitable for these majors? Educators from this University will tell you

Summary: On 30 June 30, Guizhou Daily reported that artificial intelligence and robots are replacing many skilled jobs and that this trend will become more common in the future. What do students learn in programmes related to the study of AI? What are the characteristics of students best suited for these programmes? In the report, XJTLU academics answer these questions.


Headline: Gaokao 2021: Live dialogues with colleges and universities on admission - XJTLU

Summary: On 25 June in the Tianyan studio, XJTLU representatives discussed XJTLU’s admission plan, analysed popular degree programmes and their career prospects, provided guidance on college applications, and answered questions online for all Gaokao candidates and their parents. The live dialogues received 500,000 views.

Media in Jiangsu

Xinhua Daily, Yangtze Evening Post, Modern Express and other provincial media platforms in Jiangsu featured stories about XJTLU’s 15 years of educational exploration, XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang), XJTLU Wisdom Lake Academy of Pharmacy and the University’s talent cultivation model.


Headline: XJTLU Wisdom Lake Academy of Pharmacy initiates its first-time admission: its teaching mode allies with enterprises

Summary: On 27 June, Xinhua Daily reported that the XJTLU Wisdom Lake Academy of Pharmacy was jointly established by XJTLU and Suzhou Industrial Park and aims to collaborate with government, industry and society to build a world-class international biopharmaceutical innovation ecosystem in Suzhou.

According to the report, the Academy aims to enrol 80-100 undergraduates and about 50 masters and doctoral students in its first-time admission, and plans to increase the number of enrolled students each year to reach more than 2,000 enrolled students by 2026.


Headline: XJTLU: Empower students to chase their dreams and light up hope for students

Summary: On 25 June, Yangtze Evening Post featured XJTLU’s educational exploration and development achievements over the 15 years since its establishment, along with its future plans. XJTLU has been widely recognised for its unique philosophy and talent cultivation, honoured as “a role model of Sino-foreign joint venture universities” and “a pathfinder for higher education in China”.

Professor Youmin Xi, XJTLU’s Executive President, said that under the research-oriented education model, a school does not merely impart knowledge, but serves to transform the education to research-oriented learning, guiding students to proactively seek knowledge to solve problems through teamwork and knowledge integration.


Headline: [Video] The best admission team meets with you at XJTLU; Yangtze Evening Post’s live school tour received 1.5 million views

Summary: On 28 June, Yangtze Evening Post’s live school tour “Meet With The Best” visited popular areas on campus and featured schools, interviewing leaders and educators and discussing admission policies for an audience of nearly 1.5 million online viewers.


Headline: XJTLU: Cultivate international talents with global vision

Summary: On 26 June, Modern Express interviewed Dr Qijian Xie, Director of XJTLU’s Centre for Student Affairs. Dr Xie said XJTLU will enrol 4,300 full-time undergraduate students in 2021 and noted that nearly 90% of students enrolled in 2020 are satisfied with their degree programmes.


Headline: XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) adopts an integrated education model to cultivate industry elites and leaders in the era of artificial intelligence

Summary: On 30 June, Yangtze Evening Post reported on the 2021 Summer Professional Development Program (PDP) of XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang), noting that nearly 700 Year 1 and Year 2 students recently began their five-week summer training. During the training, Year 1 students will visit enterprises and attend lectures, and Year 2 students, the first student cohort, will work in project teams to complete tasks and challenges assigned by corporate mentors. In addition, they will analyse and create solutions for actual industry cases.

Media in Yunnan

Chuncheng Evening Post and its multimedia platforms
Chuncheng Evening Post, the APP of its official website “ccwb.cn” and its WeChat official account featured XJTLU’s talent cultivation model and outstanding graduates and students.


Headline: Study internationally from China; 117 students from Yunnan enrolled at XJTLU this year

Summary: On 24 June, Chuncheng Evening Post reported on XJTLU’s unique talent cultivation model, globally competitive graduates and internationally-accredited programmes through the stories of outstanding students from XJTLU.


Headline: International-style XJTLU: Discover the world in Suzhou

Summary: On 23 June, Chuncheng Evening Post’s official WeChat account reported on XJTLU’s internationalisation, geographical location, programmes of study, full-English teaching mode, and globally competitive graduates.


Headline: Stories of XJTLU’s students from Yunnan / Set goals and discover more possibilities in life

Summary: On 26 June, Chuncheng Evening Post’s official WeChat account shared the stories of two outstanding XJTLU students, reporting on the University’s unique talent cultivation and research-oriented education model.

XJTLU’s Executive President Professor Youmin Xi said: “The University is not simply a place where students obtain knowledge, but a place where students grow.”

“At XJTLU, teachers lead students on the journey of learning rather than just imparting knowledge,” President Xi said. “Teachers stimulate students’ awareness of problems with vivid examples, and guide students to collect information, integrate what they have learned, and solve problems. In this process, instructors help students improve their skills in communication, collaboration, expression, execution and innovation.”

Media in Shaanxi

Xi’an City: Reports on XJTLU admission (June 21 – June 26)

Summary: Xi’an City and its WeChat official account featured XJTLU’s university profile, international and subject rankings, talent cultivation model and excellent graduates, education system, research-led education model, students’ stories, English teaching mode and featured subjects, interest-oriented education model, new majors, internationalisation, Design School, dialogues with the University president, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) and Wisdom Lake Academy of Pharmacy.

Media in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

Guangxi News Net: Reports on XJTLU admission (June 26 – June 29)

Summary: During the college application period in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guangxi News featured XJTLU’s talent cultivation model, English teaching mode and flexible degree programme change policies, International Business School Suzhou, XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) and Wisdom Lake Academy of Pharmacy. In addition, Guangxi News’s official WeChat account published an article titled “XJTLU keeps pace with the times to build a characteristic education model to cultivate elite talents”, which discussed XJTLU’s English teaching mode, flexible degree programme change policies, internationally accredited featured majors, and integrated education.

2. Scientific Achievements


Headline: Undergraduates from XJTLU publish paper in Nature Communications

Summary: On 30 June, China Youth Daily reported that a neural network model that can simultaneously predict 12 RNA (ribonucleic acid) modifications was developed by an XJTLU research team. The achievement was published in Nature Communications on 29 June. Zitao Song, a Year Four student from XJTLU’s School of Applied Mathematics, conducted mathematical modelling and deep learning for this project under the guidance of Dr Jia Meng and was the first author of the paper.

The news was also reported by Jiangsu TV and Yangtze Evening Post.

3. Scholars’ Stories


Headline: Video / Two generations’ 100-year connection with Shanghai

Summary: What is it like to travel across the ocean to the land where your ancestors lived and worked, pursuing your own career there? On 12 July, Kankannews reported that Dr Ellen Touchstone of XJTLU’s International Business School Suzhou followed the footsteps of her grandparents to China, becoming an educator at XJTLU.

4. XJTLU in Multi-Language Media


Headline: Support grows for China-EU business ties amid uncertainty

Summary: On 6 July, Global Times reported that EU leaders and businesses are calling for strengthened relations with China.

Dr Dragan Pavlicevic, associate professor at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, commented that the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) would result in support for the broad European economy, but that issues over sanctions would likely need to be resolved before CAI ratification would be considered.

The news was also reported by The Star.


Headline: XJTLU showcased at Venice Architecture Biennale 2021

Summary: On 21 June, Southeast Asia Architecture Magazine reported that Xi 'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University was the only educational institution selected for the Chinese Pavilion at the 2021 Venice Architecture Biennale. The exhibition, "How Will We Live Together”, began 22 May and runs until 21 November in Venice, Italy.

Richard Hay, Associate Professor of Architecture at XJTLU Design School, was quoted, saying: "Given that our international University’s home city of Suzhou, China, has an unparalleled collection of historic ‘Yuan’er’ courtyard gardens, it is fitting that our students have been invited to share futuristic work drawing on their concept.”


Headline: Huawei to invest $150m in digital workforce

Summary: On 10 July, CGTN reported that Chinese telecom giant Huawei announced it would invest $150 million in the next half decade in skilled digital workers “to find innovative solutions to create a ‘ more eco-friendlier and more inclusive world’.”

CGTN’s report included comments from Dr Ellen Touchstone, Associate Dean at XJTLU’s International Business School Suzhou. She said when schools closed during the pandemic, digital technology allowed students to keep learning. However, she said there are "glaring inequalities" among school districts in the U.S because of problems with internet connectivity and policy uncertainties.


Headline: Turning a new page: information literacy goes online

Summary: On 24 June, Xiaowei Li and Lulu Wang published an article on Times Higher Education – Campus, regarding advice on how a university library can provide information literacy skills to distance students through online means.


Headline: Cooperation fosters China-CEEC trade

Summary: On 6 June, an article in Global Times included comments from Dr Dragan Pavlicevic, associate professor at XJTLU, who said Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) and China could foster more financial help like loans for companies who want to do business in China.

The news is also reported by People’s Daily.


Headline: In hunt for Covid’s origin, new studies point away from lab leak theory

Summary: On 18 June, The Guardian highlighted views from experts about the origins of the Covid-19. Dr Xiaowei Jiang, a viral evolutionary biologist at XJTLU commented on the circumstances that may have led to the emergence of the virus that causes Covid-19.

The news was also reported by Daily News.


Headline: An inclusive digital ecosystem keeps pace with technological advances

Summary: On 8 July, Yahoo! Indonesia News reported experts’ views about the need for inclusivity in technology. The story included comments by Dr Ellen Touchstone, Associate Dean for Responsible and Sustainable Business Education at XJTLU’s International Business School (IBSS). She said that creativity and empathy are needed to create an inclusive and sustainable digital ecosystem.

By Yunji Tao, Guojuan Wang and Tamara Kaup

06 Aug 2021


XJTLU in the Media in May

XJTLU in the Media in May

During the past month, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University was mentioned in media reports from outlets including Guangming Daily, People’s Daily, China Youth...

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