Indonesian alumna: from XJTLU to Huawei

10 Jun 2022

Audrey Ardianto

Audrey Ardianto, from Jakarta, graduated from XJTLU’s BA Accounting in 2021. She is now working as a junior financial specialist at Huawei Indonesia. Recently, she shared with us why she chose XJTLU, what the learning experience was like, and how it helped her to develop professionally and personally.

Why did you choose to study at XJTLU?
I chose to study at the University because it offers two degrees: one from XJTLU, and one from the University of Liverpool. Studying in China also adds value for me because I had the opportunity to study and practise Mandarin.

Could you describe XJTLU in three words?
Impressive, international, and modern. The University is located in China, but uses English as the delivery language. It combines Eastern and Western cultures. The facilities – both online and offline – are well-equipped and really support us as international students.

What was your experience as an international student studying at XJTLU?
I studied on campus for two and a half years, and then online for a year and a half. XJTLU developed my cross-cultural communication skills and also time management skills, for example, how to balance my life and study.

In 2017, it was my first time to live and study far away from my parents. But I met many new friends from around the world, and I learned about different cultures and lifestyles from them. We explored many places together in Suzhou. The city is very safe, and I wasn’t worried at all when I was walking on the streets at night.

During the pandemic, all the teachers were very supportive and helpful, especially my academic advisor. Year Four was a little bit challenging for me because I had to manage my internship in Indonesia, and my lectures and assignments online. After being made aware of the situation, my academic advisor discussed my courses with me, and gave me valuable advice on time management.

Did you find your programme interesting and useful?
I did. The courses in Years One and Two laid a solid foundation for me, and I learned the basics of accounting. From Year Three, the courses were getting more advanced. We had more case studies and real-life scenarios, and I found them very helpful.

The programme uses international accounting standards, one of which is the International Financial Reporting Standards. It’s widely used by multinational companies. I did my first internship at Deloitte, and I was able to use what I learned in class to solve real-life accounting problems. I feel very grateful for XJTLU’s international quality in preparing me to enter the professional world.

Audrey Ardianto at Deloitte

Did your studies help with your career development?
It really helped because Indonesian companies usually look at the candidates’ educational background first. Before joining Huawei Indonesia, I participated in three internships in total, and worked with people in China and also Chinese expats in Indonesia.

I secured one of the internships because during the interview, I mentioned that I have two degrees – one from China, and one from the UK – and I can also speak basic Mandarin. The managers were very impressed because they communicate regularly with their business intelligence team in Shenzhen. Having studied in China and having knowledge of Chinese culture are my plus points.

What advice would you give to international students thinking about studying at XJTLU?
I think international students should consider studying at XJTLU for its high standard of education and the diversity of programmes. Compared to other joint-venture universities in China, XJTLU is among the most diverse in its programmes. The University offers a variety of courses, ranging from architectural engineering to digital media arts. The two degrees and global networks will also boost our job prospects.

By Xinmin Han
Edited by Patricia Pieterse
Photo by Audrey Ardianto
Editorial support by Meting Shu Ye and Shaofei Wang

10 Jun 2022


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