IBSS Welcomes Delegation from SILC Business School

09 Mar 2023

On March 9, 2022, Professor Xiaohan Hu, the Deputy-dean of SILC Business School, Shanghai University, China, paid a formal visit to XJTLU International Business School Suzhou (IBSS), in addition to a delegation of his colleagues. A group of IBSS academic staff, led by Professor Xiaobo Xu, the head of Intelligent Operations and Marketing Department (IOM) and Strategic Management and Organisations Department (SMO), were present to receive the delegation.

On behalf of IBSS, Prof. Xiaobo Xu extended a warm welcome to Prof. Xiaohan Hu and his colleagues. Prof. Xiaobo Xu then gave an introduction on the school’s history, key characteristics, departments and expertise in teaching and research. Prof. Xiaohan Hu then spoke on the purpose of their visit, namely to work together to develop new pedagogies, scientific research, and academic talent development opportunities through peer-to-peer exchange between two schools.

During the visit, Prof. Ping Shuai, the faculty from Department of Business Administration of SILC Business School, and the Director of the Shanghai University Center for Entrepreneurship Education, detailed their "Multiple Innovation" framework for innovation and entrepreneurship education. Following this, Prof. Xiaohan Hu invited IBSS faculty and students to participate in the first "Boundary-free International College Innovation and Entrepreneurship League", hosted by the Shanghai Government and co-organized by SILC Business School. IBSS has expressed strong interest in participating in this initiative and  two schools had an initial discussion about how to work on the project together.

In addition to discussions on entrepreneurship, international business, and academic research, Dr. Hailiang Zou, the Director of SILC Department of Business Administration sought the advice of IBSS staff regarding the challenges SILC is currently facing regarding the revision of both their business administration major and teaching methods as a whole. IBSS staff shared a range of suggestions related to internationalisation, digitalization, social responsibility and sustainability, in addition to discussing wider topics such as education systems, staff recruitment and promotion, entrepreneurship education, and student recruitment.

This visit left all participants highly energised and looking forward to further cooperation between both sides on programme development, curriculum reform, and new teaching models for Chinese and foreign students.

Visiting representatives from SILC Business School SHU included Prof. Xiaohan Hu, the Deputy-dean; Dr. Hailiang Zou, the Director of Department of Business Administration; Dr. Haodong Gu, the Director of Internationalisation Department; Dr. Hanyang Ma, the Deputy-director of the Department of Business Administration; Prof. Ping Shuai, the Director of Shanghai University Center for Entrepreneurship Education, as well as a team of academic staff from the SILC Department of Business Administration and administrative staff of SILC Learning and Teaching, etc.

Representatives from IBSS included Professor Xiaobo Xu, the Head of IOM and SMO Department; Dr. Peng Cheng, the Head of Accounting Department; Dr. Yumiao Tian, Deputy Head of SMO; Dr. Xuanwei Cao, Director of the IBSS Responsible and Sustainable Business Education Center; Dr. Yameng Zhang, the Programme Director of BA International Business with Language; Dr. Ying Guo, the Programme Director of BA Business Administration Programme; and Dr. Bingqing Zhao, Assistant Professor of SMO, etc.

09 Mar 2023