Shanghai Film Technology Plant explores collaboration with AFCT

13 Apr 2023

On 11 April, Mr Zhu, Director of the Shanghai Film Technology Plant, and his team visited the Academy of Film and Creative Technology at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University to exchange ideas and explore potential collaboration opportunities. Professor Li-Chuan Evelyn Mai, the Associate Dean of AFCT and Lab Technician Yingyi Xu received them. The meeting aimed to promote the development of the film and TV industry through collaboration.

During the visit, both parties toured the AS Building. They engaged in discussions with students currently working on their graduation projects, learning about the teaching and practical aspects of the programme. They then delved into in-depth discussions on various aspects of collaboration, including internships, short-term training, and industry-academic-research partnerships.

The Shanghai Film Technology Plant professionals admired the university's modern, practical, and complementary teaching and practical facilities. Mr Zhu commended the school's modern equipment and facilities, which provide students with better opportunities to help them master professional skills.

As a 3.0 Academy of XJTLU that values industry-academic-research partnerships, the Academy of Film and Creative Technology has been dedicated to cultivating professional talents with practical experience and professional capabilities. As a leading domestic film and TV technology enterprise, Shanghai Film Technology Plant possesses advanced technology and extensive experience, offering great potential for collaboration.

Professor Mai stated that both parties share common ground in technological innovation and talent development and will further explore collaboration to promote the development of the film and TV industry. Mr Zhu also invited university personnel to visit the Shanghai Film Technology Plant and better understand the company's situation and needs.

Both parties will cooperate in internships, short-term training, and industry-academic-research partnerships. The Academy of Film and Creative Technology at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University will provide outstanding talents to the Shanghai Film Technology Plant. The latter will offer training bases and classes to cultivate new skills, particularly in the virtual shooting. Both parties will also collaborate in industry-academic-research partnerships to lead the industry forward.

Their collaboration will inject new vitality into the future development of China's film and TV industry, offering new opportunities and challenges for both parties. Both parties will maintain communication and contact, exploring more collaboration opportunities in the future.

Shanghai Film Technology Plant, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Film Group, established in 1957, is one of China's leading film industry enterprises. It is a national high-tech enterprise and one of China's film industry's primary drivers of infrastructure construction. Its main business includes film and TV post-production, special effects production, digital cinema, VR/AR, and other fields. The company is committed to providing professional, high-quality film and TV technology services and has participated in the production of numerous domestic and international films, TV dramas, and other works.


By Wenzhen Li

Photos courtesy of Wenzhen Li

13 Apr 2023