13 Apr 2023
The School of Science is providing Learning& Teaching and Assessment workshops to new academic staff in collaboration with the Educational Development Unit (EDU), Education and Quality Assurance Office (EQA) and the Registry at XJTLU.
The first workshop on “Moderation Process at XJTLU and Assessment Moderation Preparation” was held on 23rd March, which was delivered by Dr. Sekar Raju, Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching for the School of Science, and Dr. Qiuchen Dong, Assistant Professor and Examinations Officer in the Department of Chemistry.
The 2nd workshop was delivered on 29th March by Ms. Xi Cheng, Programme and Module Development Manager from EQA on the “Framework for Undergraduate Degree Programmes and Framework for Postgraduate programmes”.
The Head of EQA, Ms. Yanan Wang and the Deputy Head of the Registry, Ms. Na Peng were also present at this workshop to answer questions from academic staff on the framework, operational procedures, assessment policies and regulations.
Ms. Na Peng stated that she was very impressed with the level of engagement by the attendees and the useful discussions that took place at the workshop. “The communication during the workshop was efficient and effective” Ms. Yanan Wang added.
“Starting from Semester 1, AY2022-23 the School of Science has been offering L&T and Assessment workshops for new academic staff together with other units in XJTLU. This is the first time that the School of Science delivered moderation process workshops. The workshop focusing on the UG and PG degree programmes Frameworks is normally delivered at the university level. It is good that the staff from EQA and the Registry took time to deliver this workshop at the school level and we are thankful for their support. Mr. Alan Meek from EDU will deliver L&T workshops in the forthcoming weeks. All the workshops will be very helpful for the new academic staff to become familiarized with teaching, assessments, frameworks and quality assurance processes at XJTLU” Dr. Sekar Raju said.
13 Apr 2023