18 Jul 2023
On 17 July, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University held its first graduation ceremony for the class of 2023.
Professor Youmin Xi, Executive President of XJTLU, commended the graduates on their accomplishments: “Congratulations, dear students, on achieving another significant milestone in your lives. Your pursuit of excellence has added yet another reason for us to be proud of XJTLU.”
This year, 3,677 undergraduate students were awarded degree certificates from both the University of Liverpool and XJTLU, with 1,056 achieving first-class honours. Additionally, 169 postgraduate students received their University of Liverpool degrees recognised by China’s Ministry of Education.
While graduation is a time for celebration, it’s also important to acknowledge the difficulties that have tested students’ resilience and perseverance.
“The global ravages of Covid-19 presented a turbulence and a survival test unprecedented in human history,” said Professor Xi.
“Reflecting on the ups and downs of the past few years, all the trials, challenges, hardships, and experiences have become treasures of life. Each adjustment, adaptation, growth, and transformation represents a gift. As a result, you have elevated your perspectives and embarked on a new voyage with a fresh vision of the world.”
Professor Xi addressing the graduates
Professor Xi also encouraged the students to apply what they learned to achieve success in their future endeavours:
“I hope you will carry with you the knowledge and skills you have gained at XJTLU as you embark on even more incredible adventures in the future. When you return as XJTLU alumni, please share your captivating stories of engagement with the world.”
Professor Tim Jones, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Liverpool, addressed the graduates via video from the UK:
“The world into which you are graduating will be increasingly multicultural, multinational and multiethnic, and your studies, crowned by today’s award, confirm you as global citizens. You have benefited from an international curriculum and educational environment that will lead to opportunities worldwide – and that is a very enviable position to be in.
“Whatever the future holds for you, the University of Liverpool is your university and the qualification you receive today, together with the skills you have developed, the knowledge you have gained and the memories you have made, will remain with you throughout your lives.”
To conclude the celebration, Professor Wenquan Tao, Board Member and President of XJTLU, delivered the closing speech. He said: “The University recognises how much all of you have grown both academically and individually in the past few years. I hope you can continue to uphold values such as justice, integrity, courtesy, modesty, and magnanimity.”
Professor Wenquan Tao
On Monday evening, the Gate of the Orient in SIP was lit up to celebrate XJTLU’s graduates and all they have achieved.
In addition, XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) will hold its graduation ceremony on 21 July to celebrate the achievements of its first cohort of graduates.
By Xinmin Han
Edited by Patricia Pieterse
18 Jul 2023

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