XJTLU scholar calls for diversity in journalism education

25 Jul 2023

Today, economic and social landscapes are changing rapidly worldwide, which is also impacting the field of journalism. This is particularly true in transitional countries whose economic transformations are leading to political and social changes. In this context, one of the crucial issues that has emerged is how journalism education can equip practitioners with necessary skills to adapt quickly to changes and navigate the complexities of the world.

To address this need, Dr Xianwen Kuang at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) and Dr Diana Garrisi at Cardiff University have co-edited a research collection titled “Journalism Pedagogy in Transitional Countries”.

The need for localised models

According to Dr Kuang, journalism education needs to be localised.

“The current models are built upon the experiences and theories of developed countries, which are not always applicable elsewhere.

“Transitional countries have unique and constantly evolving cultural, political, and socio-economic landscapes. Rather than blindly following the Western model, educators should develop tailored theoretical frameworks that meet the needs of these countries,” he says.

The collection features papers and case studies by scholars from transitional countries across Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Europe. Drawing on their first-hand experiences, the scholars delve into the current state of journalism education, and offer fresh perspectives on its role in society.

Embracing diversity  

The collection also highlights the need for journalism education to adapt to the dynamic environments of different countries.

According to Dr Kuang, diversity is a prominent feature of global journalism education, as different countries have unique patterns.

He says: “By respecting diversity, we can better appreciate the complexity of the world and avoid oversimplifying matters into binary oppositions. Such understanding can help journalism students and professionals become more inclusive and empathetic, producing comprehensive and objective reporting.”

Dr Garrisi believes as the world undergoes rapid economic and societal transformations, it’s important to re-examine the functions of journalism in society and the educational formation of journalists.

She also says exploring journalism education under conditions of instability, risk, and restraint can provide valuable insights for researchers and educators in the field.

“In this regard, a transnational context, such as XJTLU, constitutes an ideal incubator of ideas, because it combines Eastern and Western traditions by critically drawing on classic educational paradigms to design novel approaches to teaching and learning,” she says.

Dr Kuang adds that the collection is just the beginning of their efforts, as they hope to conduct further research on topics including the impact of the pandemic on journalism education, and reflections in the post-pandemic era and its future development.

Dr Kuang is an Associate Professor at XJTLU’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Dr Garrisi is a Lecturer in the School of Journalism, Media, and Culture at Cardiff University, having previously taught at XJTLU for four years.


By Yi Qian

Translated by Xueqi Wang

Edited by Xinmin Han and Patricia Pieterse


25 Jul 2023


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