Welcome new staff members in the Department of Applied Mathematics!

18 Sep 2023

The Department of Applied Mathematics at XJTLU is excited to welcome new staff members Dr Anirudha Poria and Dr Sergey A. Timoshin.

Dr Anirudha Poria

Assistant Professor


Dr Anirudha Poria received his PhD in Mathematics from the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati in 2018. Then, he worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Indian Institute of Science, Bar-Ilan University, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and the Indian Institute of Technology Madras.

Also, he worked as a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Maryland, College Park, and as an Assistant Professor at Bennett University and SRM Institute of Science and Technology.


Dr Poria is going to teach the MTH101 - Engineering Mathematics I to undergraduate students.

“My basic philosophy in teaching mathematics is to try and instill in my students a high level of critical thinking ability. ”

“If a student understands how to critically think about solving a problem, then they can tackle much more challenging problems head-on.”

When introducing a new topic and explaining techniques for solving problems, Dr Poria begins the lecture with an example to uncover the motivation behind the topic and the techniques. He strives to fascinate students by including real-world problems in the classroom setting and challenging them to solve them creatively.

“My primary focus is to inspire students to learn, appreciate and enjoy mathematics as much as possible. I wish to show students that mathematics is a bridge that unifies various interdisciplinary concepts and that mathematics helps them to explore new ideas.”


Dr Anirudha Poria’s research area is Applied Harmonic Analysis, in particular, Time-Frequency Analysis and Fourier Analysis.

His major research interests lie in applications of time-frequency analysis in signal processing and quantum mechanics. In future, he intends to explore more about the application of uncertainty principles in compressive sensing.

Dr Poria’s research has applications in image processing, machine learning, signal processing and quantum mechanics; in Telecommunications systems, navigation, neuroscience, tomography, calculation of pulse, and earthquake.


“XJTLU is one of the young international universities that has a strong commitment to innovation and research. By providing research funds and encouraging collaborations with other institutions, XJTLU has the potential to offer exceptional opportunities in research and outreach.”


Dr Sergey A. Timoshin

Senior Associate Professor


Dr Sergey A. Timoshin received his Ph.D. degree in mathematics from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, in 2006. After that, he held research and teaching positions at several places including Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in Germany, POSTECH in South Korea, Russian Academy of Sciences in Russia, and Huaqiao University in China.


Dr Sergey is going to teach the undergraduate course MTH117 Analysis I.

“I think that knowing brilliantly the subject you teach is insufficient; you also need to impart that knowledge to the students.”

At the same time, he thinks that a mathematics teacher should not only convey mathematical information but also inspire logical thinking and reasoning among the students. In practice, this is achieved by combining different methods and techniques, including conventional and newly emerging ones, coupled with one's experience.


Dr Sergey’s research interests are in the area of applied analysis, namely in the areas of mathematical control theory, calculus of variations, optimization, and qualitative theory of differential equations and inclusions.

In particular, his current research is oriented towards mathematical analysis, control and optimization of nonlinear equations and systems of variational and quasi-variational types with applications in phase transitions, population dynamics, filtration problems and others.


“Relatively new but already with excellent academic reputation and international standing, XJTLU is an ideal fit with my expectations for a young and dynamic research-oriented university. Also, Suzhou is a well-developed city where an old civilization’s traditions are finely blended with modern high-end technologies.”

Edited, translated by Qinru Liu

Photo Provided by Anirudha Poria and Sergey A. Timoshin

18 Sep 2023