XJTLU scholar spoke on smart city at UN forum

10 Nov 2023

This year, the 8th Asia-Pacific Urban Forum (APUF) was held by United Nations on 30 Oct in Suwon City, South Korea. The Forum, the largest and most diverse multi-stakeholder urban forum in Asia-Pacific, has been organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission (ESCAP) for Asia and the Pacific region for 30 years.

Dr Juhyun Lee, assistant professor at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University’s Department of Urban Planning and Design (UPD), and Smart Cities Pathway Director of MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation, was invited as a special urban expert to speak at the “Inclusive Urban Digitalisation” session.

She presented key challenges and opportunities to Smart Inclusive Transition of Asia Region, based on scientific evidence. It was the important result of the UPD’s project “Global Urban Monitoring of Smart Inclusive Transition” in collaboration with UN-Habitat for the last two years.

Dr Lee considered it a great honor to be invited to this high-level UN conference as a Plenary High-level Session Speaker on behalf of XJTLU.

She says: “This opportunity has not only increased the global reputation and visibility of XJTLU as a leader of Sustainable Education in Asia, but also showcased our successful contribution to UN’s efforts for critically important urban agenda of 21st century.

“In addition, it would give us a chance to establish long-term projects with UN agencies together.”

Other key speakers in APUF included Ministers, Directors of United Nations Agencies, as well as Mayors of Asian cities in Asia Pacific Region.

By Yi Qian

Photos courtesy of Dr Juhyun Lee

10 Nov 2023