05 Dec 2023
Recently, a momentous event unfolded in the vibrant city of Bangkok, Thailand, for Wenyao Shi, a PhD student, who is supervised by Dr. Linxi Yuan from the Department of Health and Environmental Science in the School of Science, XJTLU. Wenyao Shi received the Best Oral Presentation Award at the distinguished 7th International Conference on Selenium in the Environment and Human Health.
This biennial gathering, founded by the esteemed International Society for Selenium Research, has evolved into a major assembly for selenium researchers worldwide, drawing participants from every corner of the globe. It serves as an interdisciplinary forum underscoring the profound significance of selenium, an element with far-reaching implications for both the environment and human health. Selenium's attributes encompass strengthening the immune system, mitigating heavy metal toxicity and promoting plant growth.
Wenyao Shi's presentation at the conference marked the culmination of rigorous research endeavors, with a primary focus on unraveling the intricate interplay between diverse selenium species (including selenate, selenite, selenocysteine, selenomethionine, methylselenocysteine, and nano-Se) and their interactions with cadmium in plants. His groundbreaking research work has illuminated the broader environmental and health contexts, providing insights that hold promise for regions worldwide grappling with selenium deficiencies and the challenges they pose.
"I realized the immense significance of Selenium (Se), both in human life and the environment. Additionally, I discerned that my research could potentially benefit regions deficient in Se, Receiving the Best Student Oral Presentation Award was a great honor to me and the recognition not only validates the hard work and effort put into the research but also boosts my confidence as a researcher."
Wenyao Shi extended heartfelt acknowledgments to the collective efforts of the XI Lab at XJTLU, spearheaded by his supervisor, the esteemed Dr. Linxi Yuan from the Department of Health and Environmental Science in the School of Science, XJTLU. The XI Lab's comprehensive 'One Health' approach has played an instrumental role in unraveling the multifaceted roles of selenium, particularly in the context of the unique Se hyperaccumulating plant, Cardamine hupingshanensis.
Currently, the group has forged strong academic ties with illustrious institutions such as the University of Science and Technology of China, Yangzhou University, Soochow University, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), and Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville.
05 Dec 2023