XJTLU MA TESOL Students Successfully Completed Internship

20 Nov 2023

In a significant educational collaboration, MA TESOL programme students from Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University recently concluded their hands-on internship. Guided by Dr Bin Zou, the director of the programme, students immersed themselves in teaching experiences at four prominent institutions in the Suzhou Industrial Park Xinghai Junior Middle School, Overseas Chinese Academy of Chiway Suzhou, Suzhou U-iLink School and Canadian International School Kunshan (CISK).

This internship partnership marked the inaugural collaboration between XJTLU and Suzhou Industrial Park Xinghai Junior Middle School, Overseas Chinese Academy of Chiway Suzhou and CISK. This was the second time to work with Suzhou U-Link School. It took several months for the plan to ensure the success of this venture, from designing the internship program and selecting the most qualified candidates to coordinating between the institutions involved.

A distinguishing feature of this internship was the students' proactive involvement in multiple teaching and researching activities, including observing public lessons, participating in educational research activities, learning from experienced educators, and sharing insights with fellow teachers. Such exposure not only elevated their instructional standards but also broadened their educational perspectives.

The internships were characterized by a spirit of collaboration and mutual learning. The student-teachers were regularly in dialogue with experienced teachers, learning from their vast reservoirs of knowledge, and constantly refining their approach based on real-world feedback.

By the end of the internship, it was evident that the students had broadened their horizons significantly. Their newly acquired skills spanned classroom management, effective communication strategies, and innovative teaching methods. A deeper understanding for the interactive nature of education was cultivated, emphasizing the cooperation between dedicated teaching and active student participation. Additionally, the students gained insights into the roles and responsibilities of a head teacher, understanding the nuances of managing a classroom and catering to the individual developmental needs of each student.

“Observing our students' progress has been incredibly gratifying.” Dr Zou, reflecting on the success of the internship, remarked, “Witnessing their growth and accomplishments firsthand has been immensely rewarding. They've not only elevated their teaching skills but also gained a comprehensive understanding of a teacher's day-to-day roles. This programme has undeniably provided them with a solid foundation for their forthcoming careers.”

At the end of the internship in Suzhou Industrial Park Xinghai Middle School, Dr Zhao Yan (the deputy head of the Department of Applied Linguistics) and Dr Bin Zou went to Xinghai Middle School to observe the open class of the two interns, and spoke highly of them respectively. The listening video exercise made by one of the students using generative artificial intelligence technology is very impressive, which shows the proficiency of XJTLU students in using artificial intelligence technology in teaching, and fully reflects the educational advantages of XJTLU in artificial intelligence technology.

The seamless integration of theoretical knowledge with practical skills has not only emboldened them but has also illuminated the path to their future roles in the field of education. This initiative's conclusion marks not an end, but the beginning of a lifetime of informed and inspired teaching for each participant.

In addition, more than 20 MA TESOL students participated in the four-week internship for observing EAP classes at English Language Centre (ELC), XJTLU. The ELC also carefully arranged various EAP courses for the interns, so that students fully learned how to teach academic English courses.


(Reporter:Xuan Li, Editor: Yiyi Gu)

20 Nov 2023