Call for papers
Organizing Committee
Penelope Scott (Chair)
Kan Li
Yuexi Liu
Francesco Perono Cacciafoco
Qingwei Wang
Le Yao
Fengzhi Zhao
Jing Zhu
Contact Us
For information, please contact
Penelope Scott (Chair)
Kan Li
Yuexi Liu
Francesco Perono Cacciafoco
Qingwei Wang
Le Yao
Fengzhi Zhao
Jing Zhu
For information, please contact
We are pleased to announce the First International Health Humanities Conference at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) in Suzhou, China on 23 – 24 May 2025.
The conference is hosted by the Health Humanities Research Group — an interdisciplinary group that is part of the University’s Research Centre for Culture, Communication, and Society (CCCS).
For more information, please visit this link:
The conference is interdisciplinary, addressing the intersection of health and the humanities from multiple perspectives, including Literature, Linguistics and Communication, History, Art, Ageing and Culture, Ageing and Technology, Traditional and Indigenous Medicine, and Health in the Global South.
For the conference registration, please go through this form.
Keynote speakers
We are delighted to present the following keynote speakers (in alphabetical order of surname)
Professor Paul Crawford, Nottingham University
Paul Crawford is Professor of Health Humanities at the School of Health Sciences, Director of the Centre for Social Futures at the Institute of Mental Health, University of Nottingham, UK. He is also Adjunct Professor at Canberra University, Australia. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA, Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS) and Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health (FRSPH). As the founding father of the new, global and rapidly developing field of health humanities, Professor Crawford has spearheaded research in applying the arts and humanities to inform and transform healthcare, health and well-being.
Professor Crawford has written over 200 publications including peer-reviewed papers or chapters and 15 books, most recently Mental Health LIteracy and Young People (Emerald, 2023), Cabin Fever: Surviving Lockdown in the Coronavirus Pandemic (Emerald, 2021) Florence Nightingale at Home (Palgrave, 2020) [Winner of Best Achievement Award, The People’s Book Prize 2022], and The Routledge Companion for Health Humanities (Routledge, 2020). He remains the leading figure in health humanities worldwide with two additional major publications: Health Humanities(Palgrave, 2015) and The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Health Humanities (Springer, 2021). He is Commissioning Editor for the ‘Arts for Health Series’ (Emerald) to advance public understanding of the health humanities and the benefits of creative practices for human health and well-being and ‘Routledge Studies in Literature and Health Humanities’ (Routledge).
Professor Liping Guo, Peking University
Guo Liping(郭莉萍) is professor of English and dean of the School of Health Humanities, Peking University. She is also the director of Peking University’s Center for Narrative Medicine. She has an MA in English, and a Ph.D in the history of medicine. Her research interests are in narrative medicine and medical humanities education. She has introduced the concept of “narrative medicine” into China and has been leading in the efforts of localization of narrative medicine in China. She led the making and publishing the “Experts’ Consensus on Narrative Medicine in China (2023)”. She has been working closely with the Chinese medical community, advocating the importance of listening to patients’ stories and responding to them, while at the same time getting their stories out to society. She and her team has published textbooks of narrative medicine for hospital resident trainees and medical students, as well as guidebooks for teachers of narrative medicine nationwide. Together they have provided training to many healthcare professionals – to enable them to listen to patients’ stories, design narrative medicine courses for medical and allied health science students, and to conduct narrative intervention studies with their patients.
Professor Yu Xinzhong, Nankai University
Yu Xinzhong, a native of Lin’an City, Zhejiang Province. He received a doctorate in history from Nankai University (2000) and was a postdoctoral fellow at Kyoto University in Japan (2005). He is currently a distinguished professor and dean of the Faculty of History of Nankai University, and concurrently Vice President and Secretary General of the Chinese Society for Social History, and Director of the Medical Social History Committee of the Chinese Society for Social History.
YU Xinzhong is a doctor of history of Nankai University and a postdoctoral fellow of Kyoto University in Japan. Currently, he is an outstanding professor and Dean of the school of history of Nankai University. He is also the vice president and Secretary General of the Chinese society of social history. He has written 5 works such as the Epidemics and Society in Jiangnan during the Qing Dynasty: A Study on the Social History of Medicine and Health and Epidemic Prevention Mechanisms in Qing Dynasty and Their Evolution in Modern China, and published more than 100 papers in journals such as historical research. He was selected as a young scholar and distinguished professor of Cheung Kong Scholars Program. It won the National Excellent Doctoral Thesis Award, the first and second prizes of the National Humanities and Social Sciences outstanding achievement award.