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XJTLU co-hosts international education symposium, promoting smart city transition

XJTLU co-hosts international education symposium, promoting smart city transition

On August 17 - 18, the first Smart City Education Symposium: Smart Urban Intervention - Smart Cit...

05 Sep 2023
Joint workshop explores rural revitalisation in Guizhou

Joint workshop explores rural revitalisation in Guizhou

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and Guizhou Minzu University recently held a two-week joint w...

04 Sep 2023
Welcome new staff member in the Department of Architecture: Dr Zhelun Zhu

Welcome new staff member in the Department of Architecture: Dr Zhelun Zhu

The Department of Architecture at XJTLU is excited to welcome new staff member Dr Zhelun Zhu, who...

16 Aug 2023
Research proposes ‘reverse’ passive design for building sustainability

Research proposes ‘reverse’ passive design for building sustainability

Passive architecture design, which focuses on using environmental resources for heating, cooling,...

17 Jul 2023
XJTLU in the Media in June

XJTLU in the Media in June

During the past month, XJTLU was mentioned in media reports from outlets including China Daily, C...

14 Jul 2023
So Swiss! Scholars and practitioners share sustainable practices

So Swiss! Scholars and practitioners share sustainable practices

In collaboration with the Consulate General of Switzerland in Shanghai and the Suzhou Foreign Aff...

06 Jul 2023
XJTLU showcases novel results at Design Shanghai

XJTLU showcases novel results at Design Shanghai

From 8 to 11 June, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University presented the talents of its academics at ...

27 Jun 2023
XJTLU in the Media in May

XJTLU in the Media in May

During the past month, XJTLU was mentioned in media reports from outlets including Guangming Dail...

07 Jun 2023
XJTLU’s unique design attracts visitors and wins first prize

XJTLU’s unique design attracts visitors and wins first prize

The “Morphema” exhibit, curated by Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), was designed to s...

02 Jun 2023