September 2025
Part time
3 years
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This programme leads to a University of Liverpool degree which is recognised by Ministry of Education, China.
Knowledge and skills
By the time you graduate from the MSc Sustainable Construction, you will have:
- independent critical-thinking skills, which are crucial to engineers’ professional development
- a solid understanding of the theories and the recent advances in engineering, construction and sustainability
- knowledge of the latest sustainability technology and strategies and how to apply them in building designs
- the ability to work in a professional environment and find innovative solutions to technical problems.
The MSc Sustainable Construction programme offers crucial knowledge and practical training in civil engineering and sustainability, and also promotes sustainable development.
Theofanis Krevaikas
Programme director
*Programme modules listed are illustrative only and subject to change.
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 4
Semester 2
Semester 3
Semester 5
Semester 6
The university offers a broad range of activities aiming to enrich master students’ theoretical and experiential learning and professional development. Trainings, workshops and seminars, covering varieties of themes and topics, both generic and subject-specific, are often offered at both university and school/department levels. You may also be provided with opportunities to work as a teaching assistant, research assistant, or intern at XJTLU. Depending on the programme, field trips and company visits may be organized, and invited talks may be given by the industrial experts and professionals. Such activities will not only support you in your programme study, but also develop your personal and professional skills and enhance your overall employability.
The international and multidisciplinary learning atmosphere at the Civil Engineering Department is in alignment with global sustainable issues the world is facing nowadays. Thanks to the incredible support of the professors and the knowledge acquired in this programme, I have gained research, communication and presentation skills among others that will help me achieve my future professional career goals.
Simon Sui
Student, MSc Sustainable Construction.
Graduates from this programme are well-prepared for careers in the environmental construction and management sectors, governmental regulatory agencies and environmental consultancies. Our alumni work in positions such as green infrastructure engineer, water resources engineer, construction site engineer, environmental consultant engineer and sustainable technology developer. Some graduates may wish to pursue a PhD degree in the areas that they are passionate about. The MSc Sustainable Construction programme can be used as Further Learning, which is needed for registering as a chartered engineer.
The MSc Sustainable Construction programme gives you advanced knowledge, problem-solving skills, and a comprehensive understanding of civil engineering construction.
During your studies, you will become more aware of the current and future challenges of sustainability strategies and their integration in civil engineering. You will also optimise prospective solutions using emerging science and technologies.
This programme is comprised of four semesters of taught modules, followed by a research dissertation project spanning two semesters.
For candidates who have already acquired a partial CEng accredited undergraduate first degree, this programme meets the requirements for Further Learning for a Chartered Engineer, as accredited by the Joint Board of Moderators.
Why should I study Sustainable Construction at XJTLU?