Recently, Dr. Yameng Zhang’s research paper was published in the International Business Review. The title of the research paper is Home country adverse political shocks and cross-border mergers and acquisitions financial performance of politically connected emerging market firms. The International Business Review (IBR) is a premier international journal in the discipline of international business, and the official journal of the European International Business Academy (EIBA). The journal publishes original and insightful papers on the theory and practice of international business, broadly defined to embrace firms' internationalization strategies, the cross-border management of firms' operations, and comparative studies of the business environments in different countries.
Dr. Yameng Zhang is an Assistant Professor at International Business School Suzhou, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. She takes the position of Programme Director of BA International Business with Language, and she is awarded as "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Doctor'' by Jiangsu Talent Programme (江苏省“双创”博士) in 2020 and evaluated as Key Talents in Science and Education (科教区骨干人才) by Science Suzhou Industrial Park in 2023. Previously, Yameng obtained her PhD. degree from Adam Smith Business School at the University of Glasgow in 2018, and she was a post-doc researcher at Business School, Sun Yat-sen University between 2018 and 2019. Her research interests lie at the nexus of strategic management and international business (IB). Her research particularly focuses on the impacts of institutions and stakeholder networks on firms' strategies.
Yameng's research has been published in some good-quality international journals such as International Business Review, Journal of Business Research, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and one of her IB papers was finalized as "That's Interesting!" Award from Academy of International Business Annual Meeting in 2019. Currently, she is a principal investigator of the project "The Study on the Mechanism and the Dynamic Relationships between International Friendship Cities and Outward Foreign Direct Investment", funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China. Cooperated with a European Research Council Advanced Project (REDEFINE), Yameng successfully obtained the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the European Commission "China-EU Talent Project" in 2021.

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