Workshop participants may present the abstract of their zebrafish research for the group discussion/Poster session, or attend the workshop without presenting the abstract.
Only one abstract is accepted per each registered participant.
All abstracts must be written in English (1 page A4 in Word format, Times 12 pt, 1.5-spaced) and consist of the following sections:
1.Title of the abstract: ALL CAPITALS
2.Authors (Format: AB Smith, DJKalm), presenting author always first
3.Organization(s): e.g., Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China
4.Body (with mandatory sub-sections):
Results and discussion:
Research support: This research was supported by XXX, YYY and ZZZ.
Abstract submission
Workshop participants may present the abstract of their zebrafish research for the group discussion/Poster session, or attend the workshop without presenting the abstract.
Only one abstract is accepted per each registered participant.
All abstracts must be written in English (1 page A4 in Word format, Times 12 pt, 1.5-spaced) and consist of the following sections:
1.Title of the abstract: ALL CAPITALS
2.Authors (Format: AB Smith, DJKalm), presenting author always first
3.Organization(s): e.g., Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China
4.Body (with mandatory sub-sections):
Please email your abstracts and registration forms to Prof. Alan Kaluev, at: and a copy to