Invited Scheduled Speakers

Invited Scheduled Speakers

Invited scheduled speakers

Professor Alan Kaluev, PhD, XJTLU University, China
Professor Cai Song, MD, PhD, Dalhousie University, Canada
Professor Xi Li, PhD, Wenzhou Medical University, China
Professor Alexey Semyanov, PhD, Jiaxing University, China
Professor Tamara Amstislavskaya, Inst. of Neurosciences and Medicine, Russia
Professor Konstantin Yenkoyan, National Medical University, Armenia


• Introduction to zebrafish biology
• Behavioral ecology of zebrafish
• Genetic models of CNS disorders in zebrafish
• General motor phenotypes
• Neurotoxicity models
• Anxiety and fear-related states
• Social phenotypes
• Memory and Learning models
• Depression-like phenotypes
• Drug abuse and withdrawal
• Aggression and boldness phenotypes
• Advanced video-tracking and 3D phenotyping
• High-throughput small molecule screens
• Biomarkers: CNS c-fos, egr, whole-body cortisol
• Neuroimaging zebrafish brain
• Artificial Intelligence-driven zebrafish screens