Executive President’s 10th anniversary speech

26 Jul 2016

assets/images/news/2016/07/10 year anniversary XJTLU Professor Youmin Xi 940x529.jpg

26 Jul 2016


XJTLU marks 10th anniversary with day of celebrations

XJTLU marks 10th anniversary with day of celebrations

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University has marked its 10th anniversary with a day of celebrations on its campus in Suzhou. Honoured guests from throughout the ...

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XJTLU’s South Campus will deliver new initiatives

XJTLU’s South Campus will deliver new initiatives

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University’s new South Campus was officially opened today, along with a number of initiatives that will be housed on the site. The ...

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VIDEO: Professor Xi launches XJTLU 10th anniversary celebrations

VIDEO: Professor Xi launches XJTLU 10th anniversary celebrations

Professor Youmin Xi, Executive President of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, officially launched the University’s 10th anniversary celebrations today. ...

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Staff members celebrate 10 years at XJTLU

Staff members celebrate 10 years at XJTLU

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University’s 10th anniversary is not just a celebration of the physical existence of the organisation.For 14 members of staff across...

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