Change of membership of XJTLU Board of Directors

09 Oct 2017

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University has changed the membership of its Board of Directors to comply with government regulations.

With the approval of the Ministry of Education and the XJTLU Board of Directors, Shuguo Wang, president of Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) and current chairman of the Board, and Qinghua Zheng, vice president of XJTU and current board member, will step down. Professor Xiaoping Song will succeed President Wang as chairman of the Board, and Mrs Qun Xu will succeed Vice President Zheng as member of the Board. The appointments will take effect immediately.

XJTLU would like to express sincere gratitude to President Wang and Vice President Zheng for their leadership and contribution to the development of the University. We hope that President Wang and Vice President Zheng will continue to advise on and support the development of the University in the future. We are also confident that the new Board will lead XJTLU to further development and success.

09 Oct 2017


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