XJTLU in the media in February and March

31 Mar 2021

During the past two months, XJTLU have been covered by several English media outlets like Times Higher Education, Pakistan Observer, The Daily Star and That’s Shanghai. The topics ranged from educational explorations, expert opinions, campus life, etc.

Chinese media outlets including China Youth Daily, China Education Daily, China Science Daily, Xinhua Daily, Yangtze Evening Post, Shenzhen Economic Daily and Gusu Evening Post also covered XJTLU.

1. Educational explorations

Times Higher Education

Headline: Emerging Economies University Rankings 2021


Date: 9 March

Summary: Times Higher Education (THE) announced that XJTLU has been ranked 112th in THE’s Emerging Economies Rankings 2021. This is the first time XJTLU has appeared in this ranking.

Times Higher Education

Headline: Creativity, cooperation can overcome obstacles to international education


Date: 12 February

Summary: Global university networks, enhanced by technology, will offer students more flexibility over where to study, says Professor Youmin Xi, Executive President of XJTLU.

Times Higher Education

Headline: How to enhance collaboration between faculty and digital teams


Date: 8 March

Summary: XJTLU's Educational technologist Roland Sherwood explains how faculty can get the most from their work with digital experts to enhance online teaching.

Times Higher Education

Headline: Boosting international education and collaboration through online delivery

Date: 24 March

Summary: With its lack of physical boundaries, online teaching can be used to boost access to learning for international students, as Associate Principal of XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) Professor Stuart Perrin explains.

That’s Shanghai

Headline: Planning a Post-Pandemic Career

Date: 23 March

Summary: The programme of the International MBA for Executives at XJTLU’s International Business School Suzhou helps professionals expand their vision beyond their current job function; learn new and applicable skills; grow their networks; give their careers an international dimension; and gain new opportunities.

Times Higher Education

Headline: Say hello to the export model for international education

Date: 4 February

Summary: XJTLU’s international partnership model is cited in the article, which says that XJTLU combines strengths from both parent institutions and extends access to their education programmes in ways that would otherwise be impossible.

The Daily Star

Headline: Off-shore campuses

Date: 6 March

Summary: XJTLU is cited in the article to explain Chinese practices related to international universities.

2. Expert opinions

Pakistan Observer

Headline: Lessons from China’s success on war against poverty

Date: 3 March

Summary: Dr Alessandra Cappelletti, an associate professor in the Department of International Studies at XJTLU, is quoted about lessons from China’s poverty alleviation projects.

Her views also were reported by Business Recorder, Serambinews, TASS News Agency and Pakistan Press International.

3. Campus life


Headline: An unforgettable Chinese New Year in Suzhou

Date: 16 February

Summary: In iSuzhou’s Spring Festival series “I’m in Suzhou” Tamara Kaup from the US was invited to show video viewers around a Spring Festival Cultural Experience Day for an authentic Chinese New Year.

4. Chinese media highlights


Headline: Misinformation about honey, unintended consequences

Date: 6 February

Summary: A co-authored article by Professor Johannes Knops, Head of the Department of Health and Environmental Sciences at XJTLU, describes evidence that online misinformation about the health benefits of goldenrod honey has led to an invasion of Canadian goldenrod, a weed indigenous to North America. The research article is published in Ecology Letters, a leading-edge journal in ecology study.

This piece of news was also reported by Xinhua Daily, Yangtze Evening Post, Suzhou Daily and Jiangsu Television.


Headline: Sino-foreign cooperative universities accelerate global resource integration

Date: 25 March

Summary: The COVID-19 epidemic in China has basically been under control thanks to the prevention efforts. Schools and universities have been back to normal. However, the impact of the pandemic on international education is still lingering on. In an interview with China Education Daily on March 25, Professor Youmin Xi, executive president of XJTLU, shared XJTLU’s practices related to online education, international teacher recruitment, and temporary enrollment expansion to cope with students’ difficulties in studying abroad.


Headline: Presidents’ New Year resolutions

Date: 9 February

Summary: 2021 marks the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan. It is also the crucial year for China's higher education to accelerate the transition from universal access to high-quality development. What are the universities' presidents thinking and planning for the unusual year? Where are they leading higher education? Professor Youmin Xi, Executive President of XJTLU, believes that higher education in the post-pandemic era should be future-oriented.


Headline: Experts say wild meat ban necessary for pandemic prevention

Date: 23 February

Summary: The wild meat ban in China is a necessary response to conserve biodiversity and prevent future risks of zoonotic pandemics, according to an article in Current Biology by scholars from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Duke Kunshan University, Peking University and Shanshui Conservation Center.

This news was also reported by Yangtze Evening Post.


Headline: XJTLU foreign staff stay local for Chinese New Year

Date: 10 February

Summary: XJTLU foreign staff members Tamara Kaup from the US and Patricia Pieterse from South Africa decided to stay local for the Chinese Spring Festival holiday. “Although we miss our families, we decided to spend Chinese New Year here for the health benefits of ourselves, our families and co-workers. And it was also a positive experience to be here for Chinese New Year.”


Headline: Xi 'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University enters Times Higher Education Emerging Economies University Rankings 2021

Date: 14 March

Summary: Times Higher Education has released the Emerging Economies University Rankings 2021 where XJTLU ranks 112th. This is the first time the University has entered this list.

This news is also reported by Sina.


Headline: 10 universities conduct comprehensive evaluation enrolment planning in Guangdong

Date: 20 March

Summary: XJTLU will use the enrolment plan which is aimed at comprehensively evaluating students in Guangdong province. XJTLU’s admission will be based on a combination of Gaokao results, the results of written tests and interviews conducted by XJTLU, and quality results provided by high schools. The ratio among the three elements is 6:3:1.

This news is also reported by Southcn.com.


Headline: What to avoid when learning a foreign language online?

Date: 1 February

Summary: Learning a foreign language has become easier thanks to the Internet and online learning programs. Dr Yi Zhang, Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Linguistics, shared his views on what to avoid in online learning and whether it is a reliable format for learning a foreign language.

Edited by Wei Zhang, Tamara Kaup





31 Mar 2021


XJTLU in the Media in January

XJTLU in the Media in January

During the past month, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University was mentioned in media reports from outlets including Xinhua News Agency, China Social Sciences To...

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XJTLU in the Media in December

XJTLU in the Media in December

During the past month, XJTLU was mentioned in media reports from outlets including China Education Television (CETV), China Science Daily, Southern Weekly, N...

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XJTLU in the Media in November

XJTLU in the Media in November

During the past month, XJTLU has been mentioned in several media reports from outlets including CCTV, China Youth Daily, China Science Daily, Jiangsu TV Stat...

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