26 Apr 2022
Earlier this month, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University held the sixth Thought Leaders’ Conference of Marketing Science and Innovation (MSI 2022). More than 300 experts and scholars in business administration from around the world attended the event virtually and discussed digital technology, management innovation and customised strategies in depth.
MSI aims to develop China’s business administration discipline and to support young scholars in the field. In 2017, Dr Yonggui Wang, National Distinguished Young Scholar and Changjiang Distinguished Professor, initiated the conference along with other well-known experts both domestically and internationally. It has run successfully six times with more than 100,000 attendees in total and has become a high-level platform for interdisciplinary and cross-border academic exchange and cooperation in business management.
Professor Chris Harris, XJTLU’s Vice President of Academic Affairs, says: “XJTLU is honoured to host this year’s conference. In the current digital economy, the application of emerging information technologies, such as big data and cloud computing, has become increasingly prevalent in various fields.
“In this conference, experts and scholars at home and abroad can share the latest developments in marketing and innovation management, which will greatly enrich the research results of business administration disciplines in the context of new technologies.”
According to Professor Jorg Bley, Dean of IBSS and chairman of the conference’s organising committee, MSI 2022 invited 11 renowned scholars and 16 editors-in-chief of high-impact journals to exchange ideas with the participants. The conference received more than 400 papers this year. After pre-reviews, peer reviews and final reviews, more than 40 experts selected 11 excellent papers for presentation in the plenary session and 289 papers in the parallel forum.
The journal Technological Forecasting and Social Change will follow up and publish the selected papers as part of a collection called “Information Technology and Customised Strategies in the Digital Economy”.
The MSI 2022 was hosted by XJTLU's International Business School Suzhou (IBSS), and co-organised by China Marketing Association of Universities (CMAU), School of Business Administration at the Capital University of Economics and Business, and the journal Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
The conference also received support from other institutions, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the Ministry of Education Steering Committee for Business Administration, Sales & Marketing Executives International (SMEI) China, China Enterprise Reform and Development Society (CERDS), Beijing Institute of Economic Development at the Capital University of Economics and Business, Tsinghua University Press, and China Renmin University Press.
By Wei Zhang
Edited by Xinmin Han and Patricia Pieterse
Photo by International Business School Suzhou
26 Apr 2022

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