Brand Project

Brand Project

Innovation & Entrepreneurship incubating service

XJTLU Maker Space provides professional and diversified business incubation-related services and support to incubating companies and maker teams, covering business, finance and taxation, policies, intellectual property rights, laws and regulations, and proofing production.

– Quick Proofing

– Intellectual Property Protection

– Research Cooperation

– Business Service

– Fiscal Declaration

– Legal Advisory

– Grant Application

– Investment Docking

Innovation & Entrepreneurship activity

– Wisdom-Lake Innovation and Entrepreneurship Leadership Workshop

– Innovation Factory Open Day

– Innovation Exploration

– Brand Innovation Competition

Innovation & Entrepreneurship training

– Entrepreneurship & Innovation training

  • Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership Training
  •  Start Your Business in China

– Technological innovation training

  • Maker Culture and Intelligent Hardware
  • Industry Training: 3D Printing
  • Industry Training: Hardware Full Stack Skills

– Technical talent empowerment raining

  • Technical Broker Training Series
  • Technology Appraisers Training Series


If you have any enquires, interests and suggestions, contact us via email:

Or please contact corresponding teacher in charge of specific services:


Innovation & Entrepreneurship incubating service

Mr. Wang

Tel: (+86) 0512-81884991



Innovation & Entrepreneurship activity/training

Ms. Zou

Tel: (+86) 0512-88161716
