

The Department of Industrial Design at XJTLU, in response to the emerging societal, economic and environmental challenges of our time, focuses on sustainability, the circular economy and Industry 4.0 (increasingly digitised production) as the core targets of the programmes’ curricula and research agenda.

We aim to educate a new generation of industrial and product designers able to address the market needs in the framework of a “Green New Deal” — a global compact launched by former UN-Secretary Ban Ki-moon in 2008. Our graduates will help propel China’s social, cultural, and economic growth thanks to a balance of innovation-driven design, technical knowledge, and competencies.

The ongoing shift to a designed-in-China strategy, along with international companies seeking to design for the Chinese market, present numerous career opportunities for graduates of our programmes. Unprecedented possibilities are unfolding for a new generation of industrial designers as China’s growth re-defines its patterns of production, consumption, and integration of cultural elements in design, and as customers shift how they use goods and services.

“Studying in the Department of Industrial Design will give our students an opportunity to be part of this unprecedented challenge, and to contribute to the fulfilment of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals, together with other departments of the Design School”

Thanks to a design-driven background fostered by specialist knowledge ranging from digital fabrication to service design and materials science, our students will be able to choose careers in a wide range of fields. Undergraduate students from the Department of Industrial Design will receive a BEng Industrial Design degree through a globally focused programme that draws on best practices and current trends. Our post-graduate masters students will get an MDes in Industrial Design that provides them the credentials of advanced knowledge and research skills, preparing them to excel as professionals in creative industries.