Suzhou Municipal Key Lab of Neurobiology and Cell Signaling
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- Suzhou Key Labs - 苏州重点实验室
- International Joint Frontiers Materials Frontier Research Lab
- Selenium Innovation Lab
- BIO Teaching and Research Labs
- Sci-iGEM
- Outdoor Research and Teaching Space
- AI4Health Suzhou Key Laboratory
- Suzhou Municipal Key Lab of Neurobiology and Cell Signaling
- Atmospheric Research and Teaching Observatory
- Suzhou Municipal Key Lab of Biomedical Sciences & Translational Immunology
- Suzhou Municipal Key Lab for Metabolic Syndrome Drug Research
- Suzhou Municipal Key Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Chronic Diseases
- Yuefengdao Ecology Station
- HES Teaching and Research Labs
- CHE Teaching and Research Labs
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- Advanced Materials Research Center (AMRC)
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Director:Professor Allan Kalueff
Brain is the most complex organ created during natural evolution on Earth. Yet brain disorders are highly prevalent in modern society, often remaining treatment-resistant and severely debilitating. Launched in 2021, the China Brain Project highlights the importance of studying brain for the society, the country, and the world. Suzhou Municipal Key Lab of Neurobiology and Cell Signaling in the School of Science at XJTLU will contribute to this critical nation-wide scientific initiative by exploring fundamental molecular mechanisms of brain functions and dysfunctions.
This lab will advance translational neuroscience research in the School of Science at XJTLU by generating novel models of brain disorders and creating innovative AI-driven platforms for neuroactive drug screening based on zebrafish – a powerful iv vivo model system rapidly emerging in today’s biomedicine. If successful, cross-species brain disease modeling using rodent models and clinical studies will also be developed by the Key Laboratory.
The lab is expected to establish a highly visible line and yield cutting-edge productive outcomes in neuroscience research in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, and China, and build an academic center of excellence at XJTLU, and successfully train new talent (BSc, MRes, PhD students and Postdocs) in modern aspects of neuroscience. This Lab and its platform is expected to have a strong bioinnovation potential and research appeal for Suzhou Industrial Park, as well as national and international academic and industrial partners. “Feelings are good and hopes are high, but grants, funding and smart students (and Postdocs) are also needed for the sustained success of this Laboratory. If all coincides in one place, we will be able lead the way for new exciting frontiers of brain research” – said the Lab Director, Professor Alan Kaluev.