06 Jun 2017
The Department of Architecture at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University hosted its inaugural exhibition, ‘Total Housing’, a retrospective of work by Italian architect and urban planner Sergio Pascolo.
The exhibition illustrated Sergio’s research on housing in Italy, Germany, and China, with a specific focus on the relationship between housing and the civil and social spaces of cities.
During the exhibition, Sergio met with XJTLU students and discussed his work with them, answering their questions and offering his advice and suggestions for their future careers as architects.
“Pascolo’s focus as an architect is to design solutions for sustainable construction and low-energy solutions for social housing,” explained Pierre-Alain Croset, head of the Department of Architecture at XJTLU.
A project featured in the exhibition, the ‘red houses’ of Göttingen, received several awards including the German Design Award 2017 Special Mention, the Zukunft Wohnen 2009 prize, and the Europäischer Kalksandstein Preis.
The exhibition was the first of its kind in the gallery of the new Design Building on the University’s South Campus, shared by the departments of Architecture and Industrial Design.
Sergio Pascolo collaborated with Vittorio Gregotti, who designed the Barcelona Olympic Stadium and Pujiang New Town in Shanghai, from 1984 to 1993. He founded his own office Sergio Pascolo Architects in Milan in 1985, and regularly participates in international seminars, workshops, conferences and lectures in cities throughout Italy and Europe.
06 Jun 2017

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