05 Jan 2018
The 2017 Symposium on Translation Technology and Application was held on the South Campus of Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University with many university academics, practising translators and interpreters, industry leaders, students and professionals in attendance.
The guests at the conference exchanged their views on translation technologies and computer-assisted translation education. Mathan Sivaloganathan, Tamás Ritter and Angelika Zerfass from Kilgray Translation Technologies – memoQ also joined the conference and provided insightful views on translation technologies.
Professor David Goodman, XJTLU's vice president for academic affairs, and Professor Zhoulin Ruan, head of the Department of English welcomed the guests on behalf of the University before the start of the keynote speeches.
Professor Mingjiong Chai from Shanghai International Studies University, Professor Jiangang Liu from the School of Foreign Languages at Zhejiang University of Technology, and Professor Yinquan Wang from the School of Foreign Languages at Nanjing Agricultural University attended the symposium and delivered speeches that encouraged further discussion on the topic of translation technologies and translation education.
The organising committee of the symposium received positive feedback after the event. Fei Lang from Harbin University of Science and Technology said: "I am very grateful to the organisers of the event for providing us not only the opportunity to receive further information on the chosen topic, but also for getting to know our peers and colleagues in the field."
Professor Jiangang Liu complimented the organisers on the timeliness of the event and its forward-thinking engagement in furthering discussions on translation technologies.
It was a successful event with lively discussions on relevant academic topics and the exchange of ideas on issues such as how to bridge gaps between translation education and industry demands.
Head of the Department of English Professor Zhoulin Ruan commented that the event marked the Department’s determination to further embrace and integrate new technologies into translation education and research.
story and photos provided by The Department of English; edited by Danny Abbasi
05 Jan 2018

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