IBSS dean attends DUSA European Association Suzhou meeting

01 Feb 2018

Professor Jean Chen, dean of International Business School Suzhou at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, delivered a keynote speech titled "Being an Impact Creator in Business Education" at the New Year Round Table Meeting of DUSA European Association Suzhou.

During the meeting, Professor Chen elaborated on the student-oriented education model and talent cultivation at IBSS and XJTLU. She also had in-depth exchanges about talent development with more than 50 European executives in attendance.

Professor Chen said: "XJTLU and IBSS are the result of the successful exploration of Sino-foreign cooperative education and internationalised teaching.

“IBSS is the youngest business school ever globally to earn accreditation by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). It is now focused on acquiring European Quality Improvement System certification (EQUIS) and aims to become the youngest business school to receive this accreditation in the world.”

According to Professor Chen, the key to success of IBSS lies in dedicated staff and team building. Cultivating positive and inspiring corporate culture is crucial in international talent recruitment and staff development at IBSS.

While attracting and employing international staff, IBSS also focuses on enhancing the professional knowledge and practical capabilities of its students by active business engagement. She said that students benefit from the win-win cooperation between IBSS and industry, as they receive many opportunities for corporate visits, internships and employment during their study.

Commenting on the round table discussion topic of ‘Talent Recruitment and Development’, Professor Chen stated that as an international business school in China, the cultural differences between China and the rest of the world creates a challenge for IBSS to recruit quality staff, however, the Suzhou municipal government and Suzhou Industrial Park have implemented policy to support international talents which has played a significant role in talent recruitment and retention.

Story and images provided by IBSS

Translation by Boqiang Xiao, edited by Guojuan Wang and Jacqueline Bánki

01 Feb 2018


IBSS dean attends International Business Excellence Conference

IBSS dean attends International Business Excellence Conference

Professor Jean Chen, dean of International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, was invited to a roundtable dialogue at the ...

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